England Camp

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I woke up to find myself alone in bed, I rolled over to look at the time. Ugh it's nearly noon and I've spent the whole morning in bed. I need to pack for England camp and make my way there. I pull back the covers and strip the bed, replacing it with a new sheet and duvet set before hopping into the shower. My mind goes over the last 24 hours as I wash my body. Everything from Katie to having sex with Kyra. I wash my hair and sigh as I grab a towel, getting out and drying myself.

Once I'd gotten dry and dressed I put the washer on and began to pack for England camp, I know this one is just friendlies but I'm keen to get to work regardless. England camp is much different to Arsenal, a whole different way of training. Training is even more intense than what we do at Arsenal, the style of play is completely different. I love it and I love the fact I get to be with Lauren, Chloe and Alex. Home away from home, for a week. I'm gonna miss Kyra's little things she does and says and I'm gonna miss the cuddles in bed... I'm so not used to sleeping alone these days.

Once my bedding was washed and dried I put it away neatly, making sure all the last bits of the house was tidy before I left. I want to come home to a clean house, when I return from camp. The car horn pipped outside, gosh it's that time already. I wheel my bag behind me as I leave the house and lock the door behind me. I put my bags in the boot and climb into the back seat. "Good afternoon, Miss Burns" the driver says as I clip in my belt. "Heya. How are you?" I asked politely. "Very well, and yourself?" He replied. "I'm good... very good." I give him a smile seeing him looking at me in the mirror. "Great, now to get Miss Williamson." He states and begins his drive to Leah's just a short distance away. I pull my phone out and text Kyra.

To Ky❤️:- "Hey, I've just left home... have a safe journey to Australia. See you in a week. Xx miss you. "

I read over the text a couple of times after I sent it, I didn't know if Kyra would see it and reply or if I'd get a reply later in the day.

I lock and pocket my phone after a couple of minutes. Kyra wasn't due to leave for another couple of hours and I knew she was spending time with Alessia. The car rolled to a stop. I look up to see Leah and her girlfriend Bellah waiting outside for our arrival. If there's anything Leah was a stickler for, it was time keeping. I stay in my seat as Leah put her bags in the boot, she turns and gives Bellah a loving kiss, the pair exchanged a few words between them. It looked a sweet moment, she was really truly taken by this girl. I felt happy for her, it had taken Leah a long time to get over Jordan when they broke up, it wasn't messy as such but not the nicest of break ups. Maybe Bellah is the one for our Leah. 

Leah gets into the car and the driver does the same spiel as he did with me, to Leah. Leah gives the same sort of reply as I did, the driver drives taking us to St George's Park. Leah and I spend most the journey talking, it was great to catch up and somewhat let loose. My phone went off in my pocket, I pull it out.

Ky❤️-: "you too babe. Good luck with your games ❤️ see you in a week. Remember message EVERYDAY. xx"

Lili-: "I will. Good luck with your qualifiers. I know you guys have got this, you're 100% going to the Olympics. Xx"

I smile at my phone, she replied. It may have been an hour later but she replied. "Who's got you smiling?" Leah questioned with a smirk. "Oh just Kyra, she spent the morning with Lessi, so I'm guessing Lessi won't join us till later tonight." I smile, Leah tilts her head. "She's with Lessi?" "Yeah, mate date thing or something." I shrug, Leah's expression doesn't change. "What?" I asked, curious to know what she's thinking. "Nothing mate." Leah shrugged.

"No go on..." I sigh. "She's with Lessi... babe, Bellah stayed over just to have her final hours with me before I left." Leah stated, I understood what she was getting at. "Please, I hardly think there's anything to it Le." I argue, though my mind wasn't convinced either. "Really?" I take a deep breath. "Le, really. It's just a movie with a friend, I hardly think she'd be doing anything else after last night." Leah takes a few minutes to process what I'd said. "Last night?... OH! ok, I see." Leah's eyes go wide. "Babe, she was naked in bed with me just a few hours ago, Kyra isn't the type to go off and find someone else to fuck right after she's just done exactly that with me." I smirk. "You're right Lili, I'm just being stupid." Leah plays with her ponytail momentarily, I really hoped I was. I really would have loved to have spent the morning doing nothing but having cuddles with Kyra. It had been the first time I'd woken up and she'd gone.

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