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We went back up to our rooms shortly after dinner, were told not to say up too late, we had to be up and ready for training tomorrow. We were to focus on getting ready for the match against the Netherlands the day after. I was looking forward to sleeping, I fall asleep with ease. Though Leah has been known to struggle with falling asleep and staying asleep. No doubt she'd find herself on her sudoku at some point in the night. "Any calls to make Lils?" Leah smirks as she flopped down on her bed. "Me? Oh no, Le. I'm all good." I scoff and grab my pyjamas before heading to get changed. "You sure?" Leah poked her head round the bathroom door before I closed it. "Leah!" I shake my head with a laugh. "Get out of the bathroom, Le." I shook my head. "Fine." Leah sighed and went back into the room. Once I'd finished, Leah took her turn with using the bathroom. I got into bed and laid on my side, facing Leah's bed as I text Katie.

To fave Irish- "are you awake?"

To Annoying Brit- "just about 😂 we have lights out soon. Are you in bed?"

To fave Irish- "indeed I am, just missing some snuggles tbh."

To Annoying Brit-" I wish I was there with'd get it all. Cuddles, kisses, back tickles.... 😉😉. ALL. OF. IT."

To fave Irish-"is that so? 😏"

To Annoying Brit- "oh you know it. 🥵"

I was grinning at my phone, I was so wrapped up in my own little world I hadn't noticed Leah come to her bed. "Hm, there she goes again." Leah says with her eyebrow raised. "Huh?" I asked putting my phone down by my side. "Look at that smile on your face." Leah pointed out, I smile. "How's Bellah then Le? Bet you're missing her aren't you?" I smiled as Leah frowned. "You know, I really do miss her." I watched as Leah stood still in her thoughts. Well keeping Katie a secret is gonna be easy, if she's this easily directed to thinking about someone else. I mentally thanked Bellah, though she'll never actually know about any of this. I checked my alarm was set and put my phone on the bedside table to charge. "Hey, stop changing the subject." Leah said sternly as she got into bed. I laughed at her. "I know there's someone making you grin like that. And I am going to find out who they are. Just you wait and see. You can't hide them forever." Leah's voice was full of determination, I grin. "You sound so sure." I snuggle under my duvet. "I mean. Have you seen me? Of course I'm sure." Leah scoffed. "Like I say, game on Williamson." Leah stares at me, almost as if she'd be able to see Katie if she stared hard enough. "Game on, Burns, I'll get it you'll see." She reaffirmed. "Yeah.  Goodnight Le." I yawn. "Goodnight Lils." We both settled for the night and slept.

The next morning Leah was already up before me, I got up and got ready into my training kit before we went down for breakfast. A day of training and strengthening in the gym ahead of tomorrow's game. I felt refreshed and ready to go. "Morning Le." I smile as we both met again at the hot drinks machine. I got a coffee as she got a hot chocolate. "Morning Lils. Slept well?" She replied while grabbing two sachets of sugar. "Very well. It sounds like you did too." I say and eye the sugar in Leah's hand, Leah's eyes follow mine. "What?" She asks. "Do you really need the sugar, isn't it sweet enough?" I laugh. "Hey, I might need it, or I might not." Leah shrugged and smirked at me. "You're gonna have such a sugar rush." I laugh. We both find our seats at the table, we all ate breakfast and then it was straight out to the gym before we went out onto the training pitch. It was all good and well till around half way through the day I realised I hadn't really had a lot to do with my other team mates, Leah had literally been stuck to me like a shadow.

I understood what Leah was trying to do, for now it wasn't working. It was more like being joined at the hip than Leah actually digging and finding anything. I felt very smug about the whole thing.

Back at the hotel Beth came and sat with me while we all enjoyed some chill out time. The girls all did something though, the majority of us just wanted to enjoy some quiet time. "Here you go mate." Beth smiled passing me a bottle of juice. "Thanks mate." I opened it and took a sip, Beth made herself comfy next to me on the sofa. Her body facing me, one leg folded and the other on the floor. "What the hell are you looking at me like that for?" I half laugh at her. Beth raised her eyebrows and licked her lips before leaning her head on her hand that was elevated from resting her elbow up on the back of the couch. I tilt my head to the side looking at Beth questioningly, my eyes land on Leah who's sipping her drink and looking over at us. "She's got you doing her work for her hasn't she?" I whispered to Beth. "Huh? who? I have no idea what you're talking about." Beth scoffs, looking shocked. "Oh Bethany, I see right through you." I laugh. "I just wanted to see how you were Lils." Beth scrunched her nose up with a gentle smile. "Cute. But you lie." I copy her smile and nose scrunch. "How are you feeling about playing against Viv tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah it's gonna be interesting, isn't it? We've got it in the bag." Beth stated with confidence. "We sure have." I agree. The two of us high five each other in agreement.

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