Love Me or Leave Me

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My eyes flutter open as I roll over in bed, I may have cried myself to sleep but I slept better than I had in weeks. The clock on the bedside table says it's 9am, I sigh and lay on my back staring at the ceiling. I'd have to talk to Kyra today, this has gone on for too long and it's making me ill. I grabbed my phone off the side, flung back the covers and went downstairs. Katie's house was quiet, she wasn't home. Plonking myself down on the sofa I noticed a cat, cooper. He looked up at me from sleeping, giving me a squinted look before he laid back down. "Morning to you too..." I mutter.

The girls would likely be at training now, i don't even know what to do with myself, I'm off for a week since my fainting. I guess I'll head home and prepare for my talk with Kyra.

Caitlin and I parked up and got out the car, we head into the changing rooms to get ready for training. I stay quiet as I get ready, Caitlin went off after giving me a kiss and got ready too. I thought back to last night, the way Lili kissed her lips felt against mine. If heaven existed on earth, her lips were definitely it. I was brought out of my thoughts as Kyra and Lessi's laughter filled the room, I looked over and they were winding each other up poking each other's ribs and making up stupid jokes. I try to distract myself by talking to Beth and Viv, if I don't do something I'm gonna snap and I won't be nice.

We head out to the pitch. "Hey Macca, you're quiet today... are you alright?" Lessi asked, I clench my jaw. "I'm grand." I shrug "oh good... you don't" Lessi continued. "I'm grand, you seem happy enough... oh and Kyra?" Kyra looked at me, a small smile on her lips. "Yeah Katie?" She says. "Lili's all good, you messaged her at all?" I smile sarcastically. "I haven't... but I'm glad she's ok. Did she go home?" No Kyra, she kissed me and she's probably never going back to your shared house. "Hmm, no she was sleeping." I replied pushing every sarcastic comeback out of my mind. "You should talk to your g- to Lili." I frown. "Unless you're too busy..." I conclude and walk away.

"Pair up girls." Jonas shouts to us all, I look around, who the hell am I meant to be with? Lili isn't even here to pair with. "Katie... today you have Viv Lia." I roll my eyes, great. We do warm ups, in pairs. I don't really talk to Viv Lia, she's quiet too. To be honest she was more focused than I was, my thoughts were distracting me and I wasn't performing at my best. "Katie are you ok?" Jonas asked pulling me to one side. "I'm fine, I'm just distracted. Sorry boss man." I shrug. "Well, try and focus ok? We're already without Lili..." Jonas stated. Yeah, thanks for reminding me. Like I couldn't already tell she's not here. Now I'm cross, I get back to training with the girls...I can't wait for water break. We do our usual routine, I wasn't in the mood, I wasn't focused... I wanna fight.

"Kate, go mate!" The ball was at my feet, I sprint with the ball and head towards the goal, I shoot but the ball goes wide. Damn, Lili! This is all your fault, I can't even get the damn ball into the goal! I yell out in frustration. "Fucking shit!" I let out a heavy sigh. We play on my team wins but I don't get a single goal, my passes and decisions are way off. "Water break." Jonas sighs, throwing his arms up in the air in frustration at my lack of concentration and ability to play. I march over to the seating area and sit down with my drink, sulking. I text Lili.

To Annoying Brit- Oi, are you awake? Feed my baby.

To fave Irish- yes I am... he's just given me the death stare, he's gonna kill me for sure.  I'm not feeding your devil cat.

To Annoying Brit- you best feed him, or he 100% will eat you. 🙄. Cans of tuna in the cupboard by the air fryer.

To fave Irish- you owe me... fucking tuna?! 😂 he's a spoilt brat.

To Annoying Brit- 🙄 you really are a pain in my ass.

To fave Irish- Prince Cooper fed, I'm going home. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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