Whispers Of Love: Katie McCabe And The Lili Enchantment

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"Katie McCabe! Are you joking?! Thee Katie McCabe." Leah gasped. "Don't they hate each other?" Chloe looked confused. "I knew it!" Beth scoffs, a proud look clear to see on her face. "Wait what do you mean you know?!" Leah says in shock still. "I FaceTimed Lili when she was in Manchester, she tried to deny it then." Beth explained. "Manchester?" Leah questioned. "Yeah, oh come on Le. Katie's 'bad ankle.' They were in Manchester together, in the same hotel room." Beth continued. The sound of Katie's laughter could be heard on the loudspeaker, I clear my throat. "Katie... before you say anything else, you should know you're on loudspeaker and I'm with the whole England Squad." I bite my lip in anticipation. "Hi everyone." She laughs. "Well I guess the secret is finally out." She admits, her voice twinged with happiness and playfulness. Well at least she isn't mad about it, that would have been worse. I quickly take Katie off loudspeaker and put my phone to my ear. "So um, you caught the end of truth or dare. Leah's been pestering me all camp about who I'm seeing." I smiled down the phone. "And now she knows, everyone does. I'm glad." Katie says simply. "Not everyone, just the England girls." I corrected. "We will make sure everyone knows then." Katie replied I spend a few more minutes on the phone to Katie before we both hang up and go back to our evening with our England and Ireland squads.

By now those that had stayed for games,  had left and gone back to their rooms. Leaving just a few of us, mostly all my close friends that were dying to know more about me and Katie. There was a lot of confusion from most of my friends, a few of them really believed that Katie and I were sworn enemies and how could this be true. Was I trying to wind them up? "Right come on, we all best go up." I smiled "yeah come on, everyone to Leah and Lili's room." Millie Bright repeated, we went upstairs and soon after Leah's and my beds were full with our friends wanting to know more. "Right, today's Daly Brightness is all about relationships... specifically Lili's." Rachel announced. "Daly Brightness?" I questioned. "Yep!" Millie popped her 'p'. "Question and answer time all about you and the Irish one." She continued. I let out a gentle laugh. "Right ok, let's go." I nod. "How long have you been together?" Leah asked. "Um, so we haven't really labeled it yet... we're not officially together, so to say. But we've been seeing each other, probably for a few weeks now." I confirm. "Girl, why the hell aren't you two official?" Leah frowns. "Well, truth be told we all know Katie's dating history, it doesn't hurt to be careful I guess." I shrug, Leah shakes her head, Beth tilts her head to the side and looks at me. Hempo nods in agreement as does Chloe. "Lili, your dating history is no different to Katie's... you literally ended up in Jill's bed on two different occasions when visiting Manchester." Leah pointed out. "Yeah Leah's right." Hempo blushed.

"When did you stop hating each other?" Beth asked changing the focus from Jill. "Um I don't know I guess the bonding sessions away from work. Or maybe it was when we stopped giving each other a hard time at work." I shrugged. "Yeah but you always give each other a hard time. So I don't think that's it." Beth shrugged. "Yeah but we're less... brutal to each other than we used to be." I nod. "How does Hempo know so much?" Chloe asked. "She was there in Manchester when Katie and I were there. She saw how we were together before and after JLS." I smiled "They were touchy, Katie paid for food us all at the restaurant and she did things like pulling out Lili's chair and sharing food with her..." Hempo grinned, the girls 'awww'. "Wait so have you both... or has she just been marking you?" Chloe asked, she was still clearly trying to get her head round it all. "Yeah, of course we have." I smirk, a small blush creeping up on my face. "Yeah in more than one way, right Lils?" Leah spoke up, I looked at her as did the others. "She was on FaceTime to her the other day, I walked in on an intimate moment..." Leah states. "Like... you know?" Chloe asked, Leah nodded. "You dirty girl, Lili Burns." Beth laughs incredulously. Im almost certain that my blush was now the same shade of red, as our Arsenal kit.

"Wait. Aren't Katie and Caitlin together?" Rachel asked. "They broke up." I shook my head. "So you jumped in. You filled the spot where she once was." Millie grinned. "Um not quite... I don't wanna say too much cause Katie isn't here to defend herself. But, yeah it wasn't that simple." I shrug. "Does Kyra know?" Beth asked. "No, she knows I've been sleeping away from home but not where and who with." I say slowly but confidently. "I mean it's likely she's gonna find out any time now anyway. I don't think Lessi would keep it from her." I shrug. "How do you feel about her finding out?" Hempo asked. "Honestly? I don't really care anymore. I didn't cheat on her, she's with Lessi now, so she shouldn't care. But I'm sure if she's told about it she'll have something to say about it." I look around at all the girls sat on the beds. "Well I shall be putting her in her place if she starts. She was the one who chose Lessi over you." Leah clears her throat. "We've all got you, Lili." Beth smiles. "Honestly guys, it's fine. Thank you though. At the end of the day she's still my arsenal team mate and house mate. I'm sure she'll be fine." I smile. "Yeah well she's not ours so...anytime, anywhere." Rachel reminds, I give a gentle nod.

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