So It Starts

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I woke the next morning, I felt somewhat refreshed. However I had completely forgotten I wasn't in Manchester and that I wasn't in my little flat with Lauren and Chloe. I sat upright in bed and took in my surroundings, the few bags I still hadn't unpacked were still neatly waiting to be unpacked nearby the triple wardrobe at the side of the room.

I looked at my phone at the time it was barely 7am. I let out a gentle sigh and opened up the group chat between myself, Lauren and Chloe. I typed a simple

"Missing you both so much. Good morning, from my bed in London. Xx"

That's when I noticed a message from Jill to say she'd gotten home safe and I hadn't even responded. A wave of guilt came over me, I promised I wouldn't forget my friends and that I'd keep in contact... though already my first day in and I had totally ignored them. I knew that Jill would understand, though it didn't make me feel any better knowing I'd left it so long to reply.

"Sorry, literally just seen this. I collapsed as soon as I got back. Missing seeing your happy face. In fact... I miss home. FaceTime later? Xx" I replied. Moments later Jill replied to me.

"Missing you so much, it's quiet without you. FaceTime is a must, I want to hear all about your first adventures in London. Love you lots xx" I smile and send her a heart emoji back. I'd look forward to talking to Jill later on.

I carefully tip toe to the bathroom to brush my teeth and refresh myself before heading to my room and get ready for the day. I wondered if Kyra was awake, the house was quiet so I assumed Kyra was quiet...too quiet for my liking.

I carefully put my earphones in and opted to quietly sort out the rest of my belongings while listening to music. I managed to successfully place the rest of my belongings finding that I didn't have as much stuff as I did storage. I used the last section of my triple wardrobe as storage for the bags I used to bring all my belongings to London. Another little bit of my life that made the shared house feel a bit more me. I was happy with what I'd been able to achieve.

I came out my room again at 8:30, I'd put my earphones away. My belly growled hungrily so I headed down the stairs and to the kitchen. I'd just made a bowl of cereal and was about to head to the table with them. "DON'T DROP THEM!" I hear Kyra shout directly behind me which made me jump, in the process I nearly dropped my cereal. "Kyra!" I gasped in shock, a gentle laughter left Kyra's mouth. "Ooohh, nearly had you then." She grinned cheekily. I inwardly cursed, if I was going to get Kyra back I was going to have to try and be at least two steps ahead of her. "You're such a child." I rolled my eyes with a grin. I sat at the table and began to eat my cereal, I was joined not too long after by Kyra with her cereal.

"What have you got planned for today?" I asked as we ate. "Hmm, I'm gonna head down to the gym in about an hour, then I'm gonna go and visit Mini and Harper for a bit." Kyra stated as she swallows her mouthful. "Ahh great to see you with other kids your age." I teased, earning me a grin followed by a pout. "What about you? Feel free to tag along if you want?" Kyra offers. "Ah thanks, I thought I'd get a food shop in and then Leah, Beth and Viv have offered to take me sight seeing. Speaking of which, Leah will be here to get me soon." I say checking the time. "Do you want me to pick anything up for you?" Kyra thought for a moment then shook her head. "I can't think of anything." She concluded. "Well if anything does come to mind message me?" I say.

Kyra feels round her pockets for a moment and slides me her phone open. "I don't have your number?" She blushes lightly at the realisation that we'd spent one full day and night together and we hadn't even number swapped yet. "Oh of course." I chuckle and typed in my number in her phone. I put my name in on her contacts as "Lili" and quickly called myself with her phone so I could save her number easily. Leah arrived and had beeped her horn to signal her arrival. I grabbed my bag, phone and house key from the side. "Oh Kyra?" I say stopping in my tracks, Kyra looked up. "Should you get arrested for disturbing the peace, don't give the police my number. I'm not coming. They can keep you." I give her a wink. Kyra lifts up the tea towel off the side and launches it at me. I laugh and head off to the door. "Bye!!" I call out. "See ya!" Kyra shouts.

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