Arsenal Vs Manchester City

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My alarm wakes me out my slumber, today is game day! I'm so ready for this! I get out of bed and head straight for the bathroom to get washed and dressed. Once I'd done my bathroom routine I slid my feet into my sliders and made my way down to breakfast. "Morning." I smile widely as Kyra met me at the doors to enter the room. "Hmm hello." Kyra hums contently. I lean in and place my hands on her bum as I kissed her. "I missed you last night. I have no idea how I'm gonna be able to sleep when we're on opposite sides of the world." I frown. Kyra mirrors my expression. "Hmm. Definitely did not enjoy being alone in bed...I should have snuck in with you." Kyra winks. "Oh gosh, could you imagine Kim's reaction?" I laugh lightly. "Kim?? Oh wait! I get it. You're rooming with her aren't you?" Kyra laughs at her own forgetfulness. "Right that's definitely just highlighted our need for coffee... now." I laugh.

"Someone's chipper." Kim smiles as we pick out breakfast at the buffet bar. "I'm actually really excited for today's game. I'm keen to prove myself, maybe score a banger or two." I smile. "That's our girl. We love having you in our team you know? You've come a long way from when you first started with us. I'm proud." Kim gently taps my shoulder happily. "Life is great at Arsenal. A proper little family." I conclude. I grab the rest of the food I wanted and made my way to the table to eat. As I ate I looked up, only to be met with an intense glare from Katie. I'd talk to her later, I'm in a good mood and I'm certain she's gonna put a dampener on it. The breakfast room had a mixed atmosphere, we don't play until 12pm. A lot of the girls were already getting into their game day rituals and moods... speaking of which, Leah had taken herself to eat at the table on her own, though she was joined by a couple of others. They spread themselves out so they're not talking and are somewhat alone with their thoughts.

I pulled out my phone, unlocking it and tapping onto WhatsApp.

Lili to Arsenal Women "We got this, let's bring home them 3 points!" 

A few of the girls heart reacted to my message, I smile to myself and closed off WhatsApp and pocketing my phone. "Burns." I sigh, here we go. "Good morning McCabe, game ready?" I asked nonchalantly, Katie scoffs. "Look, don't play shit today. Actually make it look like you and I play well." Don't bite Lili, don't bite. "Affirmative." I give a pursed lipped smile. Katie rolls her eyes. "We're not friends... just.. civil, yeah. I know you can fake it." Katie says dryly. "Again, affirmative." I shrug. "Are you done?" I ask, Katie gives a brief nod. "My turn." I start, Katie squints her eyes questioningly. "Play nice, don't even as much as harm a hair on the heads of my friends..." I pull my chair back and stand up. "Or what, Burns?" I scoff and leave the table, I exit into the hallway and make my way back to my room.

Our first team activity of the day was a short stroll round Manchester, as a team. I smile gently taking in the sights of my old hometown. Though some light chatter was had amongst the team, it was a rather quiet stroll. I found myself thinking of all the memories I'd made in Manchester... my childhood, my first footballing experience, Manchester City... Jill, Lauren and Chloe...I felt happy. Perhaps a little overwhelmed too. Whatever the feeling was, I took it all in. We got onto the coach that was waiting for us, to take us to the Joie Stadium. I took my seat and put my earphones in listening to music on the way. This time I'd been allowed to sit anywhere, I chose to sit with Kim. She just seemed to have a calming effect, plus she didn't insist on talking my ear off. Perfect for game day.

We stepped off the coach a short while later, we had to go through reception through the players entrance and claim our official lanyards. Once we all had our lanyards, we walked through the tunnel towards the pitch. Media were already there filming our arrival, I decided on giving a smile to them as they filmed me and the girls coming onto the pitch. I remained professional for the most part. I joined within a small group of the girls as we did a lap around the pitch, conversation was minimal though we exchanged a few words here and there.

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