The Arsenal

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I stuffed my feet into my shoes and joined Kyra by her front door while we waited for Beth and Viv to arrive. "Any minute now." Kyra predicted. I put my bag over my shoulder, of course it was my Manchester City one. I didn't actually own another one suitable for football so I'd just have to use that one for now till I find a replacement for it. I was brought out my thoughts as a car beeped, looking up I smiled recognising the blonde straight away.

"Meadooo." I grin giving her a hug "Hey you...Finally decided to come to the better side then?" Beth grins hugging me back. "Aye, it appears so. Kyra has been so helpful since I arrived." I smiled, Beth looked back at me questioningly "Kyra helpful? Are you sure? She's literally the annoying child of the team." Beth laughs as we all piled into the car, receiving a slap to the back of her head and a "hey!" From Kyra. "Lili, this is my partner Viv." Beth says as she clips her belt in, Viv turns in her seat and waves to me. "Hi Viv, I'm Lili." I smiled "Nice to meet you finally. Beth's always telling me stories about you." Viv replied. "All good I hope?" I let out a gentle laugh. "Hm mostly." Beth grins cheekily.

We soon arrived at London Colney, the nervous feeling in me reappearing again. I only really knew Beth, Leah and Lotte! "Right then, I'll show you to Jonas's office. Before I head to join the girls training." Beth announced, Kyra looked somewhat annoyed Beth had taken over. "Oh ok, cool thanks Meado." I smiled and followed her to where we were going.

On our way to Jonas's office Beth and I chatted between ourselves, it was like we'd never been away from each other. That's what I love about Beth, we can always pick up from where we last left off, even if it's been a month or so since last talking. She's a special one. Probably one of the best friends you could have. "Good luck in there. He's a sound guy." Beth announces as we reach the door. "Aye. Thanks again Meado, I'll probably see you out there after I'm done in here." I smiled giving her a quick hug before knocking on the door.

"Ah Lili, come in, come in." Jonas smiles widely as he pulls open his door. I smile back, though somewhat taken aback by how smiley he was. Gareth Taylor, my previous manager had never the type of manager to have been warm, he was very much about business and getting things done. Worry about the other stuff later kind of guy. I take a seat opposite Jonas. "Water?" He offers. "Please." I reply with a gentle nod and cleared my throat which was slowly drying up with nerves. "Don't be nervous Lili. We're all looking forward to getting to know you and have you in our squad." Jonas says picking up on my nerves. "Sorry. I'm looking forward to meeting the other girls too. I already know Beth, Leah and Lotte from England and just this morning I met Kyra, who I will house share with." I sip my water. "Ah yes. They're great girls." Jonas smiles with a nod of approval.

I spoke with Jonas for about an hour. I officially signed my contract, we discussed club expectations and the importance of being close and knowing my team. Which of course I already knew, the best football comes with making friendships and knowing one and other's strengths on the pitch. Jonas eyes up my bag, my eyes follow his to my bag. "Um sorry I didn't have anything else to use." I say shuffling awkwardly in my seat. That last thing I want to do is offend anyone on my first day. "No honestly, don't sweat it. You will receive your new Arsenal rucksack and of course your jersey. I've had the staff get together some Arsenal clothing similar to the girls on your team personalised with your chosen number. 20 I believe that is." Jonas states questioningly. "Yeah that's the one." I smile.

I followed Jonas to a room where a few other staff were. "Hello I'm frimmy." A guy says shaking my hand. "Hi, Liliana... but please just call me Lili." I smile shaking his hand. "Lili it is then. Welcome to Arsenal." "Thank you." I smile widely. Already my first day and first impressions of the club were much different to my first day and impressions I got at Manchester City. I feel so welcomed and it really does feel like home, I've not even fully met the team yet.

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