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"Helloooo" Caitlin smiles as she answers the door to Kyra and I. "Hey Cait!" Kyra grins, scrunching her nose cutely as she walks in. Caitlin and I are still on the doorstep. "Hey Caitlin, thanks for hosting for us all tonight." I smile. "It's fine, honestly. It's been so long since we've had a team night so... yeah. I thought it'd be nice." Caitlin smiles. I follow her through to the lounge... Beth, Viv, Leah, Lia, Lessi, Kim and Katie were already there. "The others will be here soon." Caitlin announced as she left her hand resting on my lower back, I don't think too much of it. "Drink babe?" Kyra offered me a beer from the kitchen. "Thank you." I smile taking it from her, Kyra leans in for a kiss. I assume she's going for my cheek but her lips land on mine. I smile into the kiss.

"Ugh, pass me a bucket." Beth jokes and fake retches "Beth." Viv warns but laughs. "Hey, shh." I smile shyly, Caitlin feeling awkward by Kyra's interaction with me drops her hand from the small of my back. Kyra leaves me and goes over to Lessi striking up a conversation. We all end up in our own little conversations as we wait for the others. I think no one notices as I slip out to use the toilet. I took a deep breath after finishing my business... I love the girls, of course I do. But I really just wanna be at home right now. I looked at the time on my watch... I've only been here 20 minutes. I can't go yet. I wash my hands and leave the bathroom. Once I was back downstairs everyone had arrived. "Hey everyone." I smile joining the team again.

"Help yourselves guys, there's plenty more." Caitlin puts out a couple of platters on the coffee table with little bits of snacks, some healthy and some way against our dietary plans. "Oh Caitlin, nice one mate." Viv smiles and helps herself, a few of the others also pick. "And Leah, just for you..." Caitlin places a small plate of smiley faces and mini ham sandwiches. "You're a real one Caitlin." Leah stuffs a mini ham sandwich into her mouth and grabs a smiley face for right after she finishes the sandwich. I lightly chuckle at her, Caitlin had really thought of all of us as she had prepared the platters. "Lili... strawberries for you." My eyes lit up, I loved a strawberry. "And I didn't forget the dipping chocolate" Caitlin added. "Could kiss you Cait." I grin widely. "Hey." Kyra pouts. "Oh hello, jealousy." I tease, Kyra fake strops. The both of us, unable to stay serious laugh, we're joined by our friends too.

We start to play quiz games, at first as a whole. The questions were about each other, all of us had to answer each of them on a little whiteboard.

"Okay. Question one." Caitlin starts. We teamed up in pairs so we could support each other in our answers, allowing the use of conferring before jotting down our answers. In all fairness, it was a lot of fun. I came to realise I knew my teammates a lot better than I thought I did. It was quite refreshing to some degree. I was no longer clock watching and wanting to go home... I'd forgotten all about it and was fully into all the team quizzes.

Some of the answers the girls gave were hilarious, where they pulled their answers from I do not know. Maybe it was their silly moods or perhaps the after effects of all the alcohol we'd consumed. We play on for a bit longer before Caitlin announces it's time for couples round. My eyes lock on Kyra, Beth's find Viv, Katie's find Caitlin's... oh that's funny? Are they seeing each other now?

"Wait! You're not joining your significant others, that would make this too easy." Caitlin laughs as the rest of us sigh. "Pair up with anyone, the answers you give will be about your partner, here or not. Everyone is involved in this game." Caitlin states. Most of us remain as we are, some others get up and switch who they're sat with.


Does your significant other prefer FaceTime, calling... or texting?

I think for a moment, Kyra and I usually text or FaceTime... though I can't decide which we do more. I jot down 'FaceTime' after a couple of seconds of thinking.
"Okay, reveal your answers." Caitlin smiled. Everyone had gotten theirs right, including Kyra and I! We definitely did FaceTime more than we text.

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