Back to London

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"Katie... wake up." I gently nudge Katie "No... I'm tired." Katie sighs, she instinctively grabs hold of me and pulls me into her, her face going into the crook of my neck as her breathing changes signalling she's back off to sleep. "Hey... come on, we have to leave by 11 and it's already 10:15." I play with her hair. "Nope. Tell them we're staying... I like it here." Katie mumbles half asleep. "You like it here or you like what here has caused." I question. "Both... shh, sleep now Lils." Katie pulls the cover up more. "If you go back to sleep I'm leaving you here." I laugh, Katie's eyes shoot open, she doesn't say anything but gives me a glare. She's not impressed by what I said at all. "Don't even dare." Katie sighs. "Hmm I'm going to get washed and dressed." I smile sliding out of her hold. "Liliiii... get back here and cuddle me." Katie groans. "Um nope. Get up and cuddle me." I tease and headed to the bathroom. While I'm in the bathroom, I can hear movement from the bedroom. I guess Katie's up now.

When I re-enter the room Katie smirks. "What?" I questioned with confusion. "Look at you... look what I did." She continues, her tone proud. "Um bit hard to look at myself, unless I'm in front of a mirror." I laugh at Katie. "Well then... let's not waste any more time." Katie takes my arm and takes me towards the long mirror on the wall. I look at myself, mostly to go along with Katie's want for it. I don't notice straight away, though I'm not sure how I didn't. Katie runs her fingers over the hickey she left on my hip last night. "Damn Katie...if I get questions during the England camp..." I laugh. "Good, I hope you do... tell them all who made them." Katie smirks. "Oh you're so full of yourself." I scoff. "What would you say?" Katie smirks, I pause in thought. "I actually don't know..." I shrug. "Really? You wouldn't tell them?" Katie's eyes scan mine. "I don't know Katie." Katie nods pursing her lips "we should go..." she says stepping away from me, I quickly put on a top to go with the trousers I'm already wearing. "Yeah we should." I agree. We made our way to reception to hand in our keys, I paid for the hotel stay. Katie and the receptionist exchange a few pleasantries before we left and headed back to Katie's car to make our way back to London.

We put our bags in the boot before getting in the car and pulling our belts on. Katie pulls out of the parking space, she's quiet but looks deep in thought. I watch out the window, feeling melancholy. Not something that is out of the norm for whenever I leave Manchester. I knew that I had to go back to life in London, now on much better terms with Katie. Katie drives, keeping her concentration on the road. "Are you ok?" I ask after we were around half an hour into our journey home. Katie quickly glanced over at me and then looked back at the road. "Hm hm." She hummed back in reply. Ok, she doesn't want to talk, fine. I quietly nod in understanding and continue to watch out the window. My phone lights up on my lap, the ringtone filling the silence in the car. I look down to see Kyra's name, debating if to answer or not. The ringing stopped, moments later it rang again... Kyra. I pick up my phone and tap to answer. "Hello.... Hm I'm making my way back...yeah... oh right... what time? Ok... alright. Bye then." I tap end call. I clear my throat and pocket my phone.

"What did she want?" Katie's eyes stay on the road, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "She wanted to talk... to know when I was gonna be home." I shrug. "Course she did... do you?" She asked. "I dunno, I mean I should... we head to camp the day after tomorrow." I admit. "You gonna tell her?" Katie finally looks at me as she stops at the lights. "No, I'm not. And only because it's not her business." I sigh. Katie puts the car into gear. "Am I that much of an embarrassment?" Katie huffs. "You're not... it's only been a week. It's disrespectful." I rub my temples. "How long was she fucking Lessi again?" Katie frowns I shoot her a look. "Just drive the damn car." I sigh as the lights change from red to green. Katie drives, we go back to ignoring each other. Almost an hour passed and we were still in complete silence. None of us even attempted to talk, in the corner of my eye I see Katie's arm stretched out as she turned on the car radio. Well that's one way to fill the silence.

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