Harper ❤️

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Kyra and I woke up to Kyra's phone ringing. "Ky... the phone." I mumble sleepily. "Hmm, ignore it." Kyra hums back.  We resettled, cuddling one another. Kyra's ringtone blares though again a few minutes later, I let out a sigh. "Babeeeee." I drawl out. "I know, I know."

Kyra answered the phone without looking at the caller ID. "Eh, hello." I giggle at her, my eyes shut as we snuggle. "Oh damn, yeah of course. You'll have to fetch her to Colney though...Yeah, we can keep her over night, I mean, I... um I'll tell you soon... Mini, I don't have secrets.... Yeah, ok. See you later." Kyra ends her call and puts the phone back on the side. "Oi, you best not be back to sleep." Kyra grins rolling on top of me. "Do I seriously look like I'm asleep right now?" I giggle. "Nope, thank god." I give her a questioning look. "Because I need a kiss, before you get mad." I lift my head gently kissing Kyra. "Done now spill, what have you done?" I squint. "Nah that's mean, Lili, I want a proper kiss." "Someone is needy today." I smirk, Kyra huffs and rolls off me. "Wait, baby come back." I laugh and pull her into me. "Moment is gone." Kyra frowns. "Ok, fine. Tell me anyway... what's happened?" I say softly.

"Clara and Mini have an appointment, Clara is pregnant and they're having to go for check ups, they had no one to watch Harper. The minute Mini mentioned me babysitting, Harper insisted that she had a sleepover here too..." I listen as Kyra talks. "Ok... and you thought I'd be mad?" I look confused. "Well Courtney always hated having Harper around me, she hated my attention not being on her." Kyra shrugged. "I'm not her though, besides I love kids." I shrug back. "You do?" Kyra asked. "Yes. You know, I hope in the future I would get to experience motherhood, I'd love to have my own one day..." Kyra smiles widely at me.

We both took showers and got ready for training, shortly after we headed to Colney. "What time is she coming?" I smile as we walk through the corridor "I dunno probably in the next half an hour or so??" Kyra guesses. "Sweet." I smile. We joined the girls and headed out to the pitch, at this point I already know to find Katie, I stroll over to her. "Morning, McCabe." I say and we begin with stretches. "Morning, Burns... you're..." she starts. "Cheery." She ends her sentence bluntly. "Suns out, it makes me happy." I shrug. "Hmm sure, nothing to do with Kyra then?" I snap my head to look at her. "Everyone knows you're fucking." Katie stated. "Um, not that it's actually anything to do with you but... we haven't?" I gulp.

Why am I telling Katie this. "Sure..." Katie purses her lips together. "Seriously." I state. "But you have fucked Caitlin, right?" I frown at her. "How do you...?" I asked in confusion. "So... you don't deny it." Katie laughs bitterly. "Careful now. You almost seem interested in my life." I switch sides with her to stretch the opposite side. "I'm not, trust me." Katie scoffs. "McCabe, you're the one who's asking." I smile. Both our heads snap round as we hear a small voice yelling. "Kywaa!" Of course we all wanted to fuss over Harper, we all go over in small groups playing little kick abouts with Harper after she gave Kyra the biggest cuddle.

"Hey Harper, these are my friends." Kyra says introducing us all. "Liwwy, like you kywa" Harper smiles proudly, remembering that Lillee is Kyra's middle name. "Yeah baby. Like me." Kyra laughs holding the little girl in her arms. "Thanks again for this." Mini smiles, knowing Harper was in safe hands. We continued to do our training, Harper occasionally getting involved too. Of course we all cheered as she kicked one of the spare balls into the nearby goal. With support from the staff training continued as normal, Kyra being the only one allowed to slack a bit because of Harper.

"Concentrate, Burns." Katie sighs. "I am." "You're not though, pass the ball back." Katie rolls her eyes at me. "Oh, sorry." I kick the ball back. We play some team games and do some more partner work before water break time. When water break comes I jog over to Kyra. "Hey." I smile and sip my water. "Hey, you." Kyra half hugs me. "She's great." I smile watching Harper with some of the others, Katie included. "She's not even realised I'm over here." Kyra laughs. "She looks happy though, that's a good thing right?" I smile. "Yes because now I can do this." Kyra leans in and gives me a kiss, I smile into her kiss. "Hm, perfect." I grin.

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