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Kyra and I turned our phones on do not disturb for the rest of the night. We both wanted to spend as much time as we could together over the next couple of days, this meant we had taken to ignoring everyone else so we could fully indulge in each other's company. "We best get up." I sigh gently noticing the time on my phone. "Yeah, five more minutes. I'm comfy." Kyra snuggles closer into me, she places her head in the crook of my neck, giving it a singular kiss. "Hmm." I agree with her. "Five more minutes." I conclude. However the pair of us fell back to sleep... five more minutes, was not in fact five more minutes... they were two full hours!!

We reawakened to the sound of our door being hammered on. "Shit, Kyra. Get dressed babe. Quick. We're late." I urged and ran down the stairs pulling open the door. "What are you doing here?!" I gasped "well I'm you two's, pain in the arse's lift... you're late." She says looking down. Why was Katie looking down at me? Shit! I'm still in my oversized bed top and knickers. "I'll wait with Caitlin in the car..." Katie says slowly, I nod feeling my cheeks flush in embarrassment. Kyra appears beside me with our bags. "Lili, get dressed? I'll get these in the car." Kyra nods to our bags. "Thank you babe." I gently kiss Kyra's cheek and race inside to get dressed. I throw my hair into a messy bun and quickly do my teeth. Well that's not the way this morning was supposed to go.

The journey up to the Colney was quiet, Caitlin and Katie were having hushed conversations in the front of the car. Whereas in the back of the car Kyra and I were still trying to get over how late we had been and trying to properly wake ourselves up before we joined the rest of the squad. I stare forward, still not really with it. Katie's hand comes out and rests on Caitlin's leg as she drives. I side eye Kyra to see if she'd noticed but she hadn't. She was sorting her shoes properly after stuffing them on wrong before getting in the car. I let out a gentle sigh. We pull up outside Colney, we were greeted by the Arsenal staff who informed us that the cafeteria was open and we could grab coffee and something to eat to take on the coach. "Perfect. I'm starving." I smile lightly and make my way to the cafeteria. I get myself a coffee and a sausage butty, smothering it in ketchup.  "Hmm." I let out as I take a bite. "Absolutely fantastic, as always John!" I compliment our main Arsenal chef. "You're such a suck up." Kyra teased once we were away from John. "Hey, if anyone is gonna get poisoned it ain't gonna be me. Just remember that." I wink at her, Kyra shakes her head and laughs. "Fair point." 

The coach we are waiting for arrives as a few of us are stood munching on our cafeteria food. "Right guys. Everyone put their bags in the hold and then find yourself seats.... I would like you to sit with your training partners please." I stop chewing my sausage butty, mid chew as I meet eyes with Jonas. I give him a forced smile, some sausage sticking out my mouth in the process. I didn't care, Jonas stares for a moment and moves on to talk to someone else. "Bite me." I mumble after swallowing my food. I purposely take ages to get on the coach taking my time to talk to Kyra. "Stupid Jonas, taking you from me." Kyra pouts. "If I'm approached and asked to sacrifice someone... he's going. Without a doubt. No questions asked, take him." I smirk. "Oh Lili... you're a devil." Kyra smirks. "Well someone has to be..." I wink.

Kyra pulls me closer to her by the elasticated part on my waist of my leggings. "You gonna take them off me?" I tease. "I might do in Manchester... pray we get to room share." Kyra breathes "well fuck... I forgot about that. Fuck it, wherever we end up I'll come find you." We giggle cheekily. The two of us begin to kiss, taking our sweet ass time. My phone goes off making us pull away.

Beth- "Mate, get on the coach. Stop snogging Kyra! Xxx"

I look up at the coach, it looks full, Kyra and I must be the only people not on the coach yet. Beth is sat by the window giving me and Kyra a teasing look, we let out one last laugh and get on the coach. "Enjoy your food?" Katie rolls her eyes as I sit next to her. "Hm, John excelled as usual." I shrug. "Are you always this dumb?" Katie rolls her eyes. "It's a talent." I shrug. We get settled in our seats, I look round the coach in interest. Smiling away to Beth I hear a sigh from next to me, I look Katie up and down. What's up with her, now? Maybe she was just as annoyed as Kyra and I were about being separated. Yeah, that would be a plausible reason. I pull my Arsenal hoody, hood up and get comfy.

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