Moving Day

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I was so lucky to have the best team mates at Manchester City, Jill insisted on driving me down to London with all my things to help me get settled there. I don't drive and have never been able to, I was going to have to train down and get my stuff sent with a moving company if she hadn't of insisted on helping. This on its own was a stress since I literally didn't have much time to sort anything.

"Right then. Is this everything?" Jill asked as I placed my last two bags into the boot of her car. "That's the lot." I let out a gentle smile as I closed the boot. I'd never really had a lot of things, I didn't see the need for lots of clothes and precious items. The few I had were enough and precious enough to appreciate in the long run. That was how I was raised, little but enough to appreciate what I had. "I've never met anyone that travels so light." Jill shakes her head, partly in shock. "Handy in times like this though!" I smiled proudly. "You're crazy." She concluded.

I gave Lauren and Chloe a big hug each. "Good luck at your new club, I look forward to kicking your ass on the pitch." Chloe grins cheekily. "Whoa, hold up, I'm definitely sure it'll be me kicking your ass." I laugh. "Nah for real though, you and Hempo have been the best flat mates a girl could have. You'll have to make sure you come and visit... I'll be back to visit when I can." I say as she hugs me one last time. "We will and you better had." Chloe stated. "Oh don't worry, you're not that easily rid of me." I reply. Then it was Lauren's turn to hug me goodbye. "I'm gonna miss you so much." She stated. "Who's gonna help me with my Lego now?" She frowns.

We'd often spent quiet nights together building Lego, it was Lauren's favourite thing to do. "Hold up, don't go replacing Lego buddies... you got this Hempo. I can't wait to see what you make next. You best FaceTime me ok? I will help over FaceTime." I smile. "Oh don't you worry, I will have you help me no matter where you are. You're chief Lego helper." Lauren smiles. "I hope the journey to your new club goes well, it's gonna be interesting seeing you and McCabe together on that pitch. Lord knows what sort of hell you two will give all the teams together. Just remember where you came from though. You're always gonna be a Manchester girl." Lauren reminds me.

She's not wrong, I've lived and been brought up in Manchester all my life, London was going to be whole new experience. 10 years at City and now I'm going to be leading a new kind of life down in London, away from everything and everyone I've ever known. "I love you both, thank you for being the best un biological sisters I could have ever wished for. I'll FaceTime you both once I'm there and settled into my new place." I say swallowing back the tears that were coming.

A few hours later in the car Jill and I stopped to fuel up the car and grab some snacks for the car journey, we'd already driven two hours and still had another two to go, luckily we left early that morning so we had missed a fair bit of Monday traffic.

"Are you getting nervous?" Jill asked as I shuffled in my seat after we got back into the car. "A's all a bit new... a new club, new house mate and well...I don't think I know many of my new team mates except the girls who play for England." I stated looking at Jill who had a concerned look on her face. "It's going to be fine, you're a great girl Lili. They'll all love you." Jill replied giving my thigh and gentle squeeze in comfort. "Yeah." I agree though not with full confidence, a thing that usually comes to me easily.  Jill connected her Spotify and gave me the choice of what to play. I chose out a song and the two of us sang along to it, enjoying ourselves as we continued on our journey.

"This is it." I stated as we gently cruised down a street where a row of houses stood. I checked the number on the paperwork I'd been sent and it was exactly the same. This was the house I'd be sharing with Kyra Cooney-Cross, whom I was still to meet and get to know. Jill parked up and waited in the car for a moment as I knocked on the door to double check.

I waited a few minutes before I heard the door unlock I hoped I'd gotten the right place and not woken some poor other person up. "Hello?" A brunette girl with a couple of blonde streaks said. "Hi... are you Kyra?" I ask shuffling on the spot nervously. "Yes. I am she..." she said, she took a moment and then realisation must of hit. "Lili, right?" She said with a wide smile. "Yes, Lili. That's me." I returned the smile. "I'm supposed to be your new house mate?" I continued. "Ah yes. Come on in. I'm sorry it's kind of messy." "Of course. Can I just get my friend? She has all my stuff." I say looking over my shoulder to Jill in the car. "Of course, invite her in too. I'll put the kettle on." Kyra replied.

Oh wow ok, she seems really nice, maybe I have totally over thought all of this. I quickly go to Jill and we unload the car taking all my stuff into Kyra's house. "Kyra, this is Jill, Jill this is Kyra." I say introducing the pair as I put all my stuff neatly to one side. "Nice to meet you Jill." Kyra smiles "you too." Jill smiles. "I have the kettle on, would you both like a coffee?" Kyra offers. Of course Jill and I obliged.

Jill didn't stay too long since she had to make her way back to Manchester. She drank her coffee and after a small chat announced that she would have to leave. I saw Jill to the car. "Thank you for everything Jill. I owe you big time, honestly I really do appreciate it." I smile and give Jill a tight hug. "Since when do we talk like we will never see each other again?" Jill raised her eyebrow and hugged me back just as tight. "Go show them what you got, I'll miss you." She said. "I'm gonna miss you too. Please let me know when you get back safe." I said as she climbed into her car. "You got it Lili, I'll message as soon as I'm home." And with that Jill drove away, I watched on for a moment. The nerves I had had were slowly fading.

With Jill now gone I went back inside to Kyra, she had some music playing as she made herself breakfast and to my surprise, she'd made me some too. "Scrambled eggs and toast." Kyra announced placing two plates on the table. "Wow what a welcome." I laugh. Kyra looked at me half confused but also proud of herself for making both of us breakfast in the time it took for me to see Jill off. "I guessed you'd be hungry?" Kyra blushed lightly. "I am, thank you." I say sitting with her at the table. "I'm not used to having someone cook for me. It's probably only ever happened 5 times in the time I've lived in Manchester." I stated. "Ah no, if I'm cooking I'm cooking for us all. Usually some of the girls head over but it's usually tea on team nights I might make something. Usually the team want to feed me." Kyra laughs. I look her up and down quietly, this goes missed by Kyra. I think we're gonna get on just fine. "Anyways... what is this song?" I say "Strawberry Kisses... what you've never heard of it?" Kyra gasps at my lack of knowledge of it. "No... I don't think I've ever heard of it." I say as Kyra starts to loudly sing along to the words.

"Thought we were just a summer romance
Nothing but a passing fling
Seemed my heart had other plans
Now I'm a puppet on a string"

I smiled as she got really into the song, once she finished the part she was singing she looked at me with the biggest grin. I can tell already this is going to be an interesting yet fun home share.

After we finished breakfast I washed both our pots up, it seemed like the most I could do since Kyra cooked. "You didn't have to do that." Kyra says taken aback. "Nah it's fine honestly. You cooked." I say as I let the pots air dry on the drying rack.

Kyra gave me a tour round the house and showed me where everything was kept and which room was mine. Once the tour was over Kyra gave me some time to unpack a few things, to say I hadn't even been here 3 hours I already felt welcomed and at home.

"Lili, are you ready?" I hear, a short time later. "Beth and Viv are on their way to get us." She continued. Kyra didn't drive either, it seemed that her mode of transportation was often a lift from a team mate to the training ground or to wherever Arsenal would be playing if they weren't travelling by coach. "I'm ready." I say coming down the stairs to meet her in the lounge.  I was looking forward to seeing Beth again I hadn't seen her since last England camp in the November, now we're in January.

I take a deep breath, I think I'll like living in N5!

A/n- I know it's kind of slow and not all the characters personalities are out there yet but it's coming.

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