Chapter 24: Movie

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Daphne's POV~

"Come with me, sweetheart, let's go to the kitchen," Zephyr said with a smile while grabbing my hand. 

"Leave my hand," I whispered roughly, as he looked back at me with a raised brow, "What?"

"Let go of my hand!" I raised my voice, but he just tightened his grip, like he was deaf.

"No, I'm not letting you go,"  his tone was authoritative.

"Leave!" I said while my eyes squeezed shut in frustration.

"I won't, what are you going to do?"

"I said leave or I-I'll scream," I warned with a shaking voice.

"Do it. It won't make a difference. You belong to me," he demanded, his grip still tight.

 I hesitated, feeling trapped and helpless.

"And let me tell you no one can hear you except me in the whole estate," he taunted yet eerily calm.

His words sent a chill down my spine, and I realized how truly alone I was with him in this vast estate.

"I-I'll go call the guards outside."

He chuckled, raising an eyebrow playfully, "Love, Do you know how adorable you look when you're stubborn? Do you really think your complaints to them will change anything?"  

"They won't dare cross me. They know what happens to those who do,"  he said with a dark chuckle.

"Just picture it, darling. You, admitting your stubbornness to them about resisting your own sweet husband. Imagine the humiliation when they discover your resistance. It's wiser to just comply, don't you think?" he finished with a smirk.

"You are forcing me," I said while pulling back my hand with force and turning around to walk back to the room.

"It's not about forcing, it's about surprising my woman," he stated, making me stop in my tracks. "It's a gesture, an apology to my dear little wife."

"Oh, so you think a few surprises will erase all the hurt?" I shot back while folding my arms across my chest. He smirked and walked towards me and closed the distance between us.

"Call it what you want, but it's about showing you, I care."

"Surprises won't fix the damage you've caused,"  I climbed a step back, still staring into his eyes, "Then enlighten me, my stubborn love. What will it take to win back your forgiveness?"

"I don't need anything from you." 

 "You're mistaken if you think that's an option,"  and before I could go, he swiftly lifted me up onto his shoulders.

"Zephyr, leave me," I yelled, pounding on his shoulder, but he didn't even flinch. 

"Are you sure? Should I really leave you?" he teased but I was not in the mood for a joke, especially after all his mood swings.

"Put me down!" I hit him again, but he just shook his head and carried me into the kitchen.

"Why are we even here?" I asked irritatingly as he finally let me stand on the floor.

"Because... we're gonna do something special," he whispered, pecking my nose. 

He looked at me expectantly for my reaction, but I didn't give him any response.

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