Chapter 29: Feed

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Daphne's POV~

I heard his footsteps as I looked in his direction. He was coming over with a plate in his hand. Sitting down at his place, he placed the plate on the table containing apples which were very roughly and unevenly chopped.

He pulled my chair towards him as if I had no weight and patted his thigh, saying, "Come here." 

I gulped and replied, "I-I'm fine here."

"But today, I want my little wife right here on my lap and I'll be feeding you," he insisted while grabbing my wrist, and pulling me over his muscular thigh. 

My hair brushed against his face, and he spoke, "Your scent drives me wild," before burying his face in my neck, which made me gasp. I stayed still as he sniffed and wrapped his arms around my bare waist, sending shivers down my spine.

"P-Please," I whispered, asking him to stop.

"Shhh, let me hug my wife,"  he spoke while his hand moved sensually over my bare thighs, making me clench my eyes and grip the table.

He kissed my covered shoulder, causing me to shiver uncomfortably. My skirt was too short, riding up until it reached my butt while I sat on his lap.

I tried to sit comfortably but he groaned softly, "Aghh."

"Fuck, you're making me so horny, love. I can feel my cock pressing against your pussy, begging to slip inside and I swear I won't hesitate if you didn't stop wiggling. I might just lose control and tear those panties right off you," he whispered in a husky voice which made me freeze as I felt his hardness against me, tears welling up in my eyes.

"P-Please, can I sit there?" I whispered, but he ignored me, feeding me apples with a fork and knife instead.

"You need to eat baby. You need to keep your strength up for me. Look at that beautiful face of yours all drained and dull after just a small round of sex. I want you glowing," he said casually, making me stare at him in disbelief.

 A small round of sex? Was that really considered small?

He fed me another big piece before I could finish the first one. I didn't want to eat anything; my throat was paining with fear and the urge to cry. He was about to feed me another, but I stopped him by shaking my head lightly.

"Do you enjoy teasing me, wife? Refusing to take care of yourself after sex? " he spoke, trying to feed me again, but I kept my mouth closed. 

"Daphne," he whispered near my ears coldly and darkly making a tear escape my eyes.

 "P-Please I don't-," I begged, but he took it as a moment and fed me three big slices of apple, making my mouth full. 

He laughed looking at my face which was stuffed and wiped away the tears while kissing my cheek.

"God, I can't stop staring at you, baby. You look so cute and timid. And from now on, I'm picking out your outfits every day,"  he spoke as I remained silent. It felt pointless to speak. My legs were aching from the uncomfortable position. 

He held me tight by my waist with his other hand on my thighs, which were moving sensually, making me shiver. Seeing me like this, he spoke again, "Such a naughty girl,  you enjoying isn't?" he asked, making my eyes fill with tears.

His hands moved upwards slowly to my inner thighs, making my breath stop as I sat still. I grabbed his hand with both of mine. 

"P-Please, s-stop, I'm s-sore," I stuttered, but he removed my hands.

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