Chapter 30: Pregnancy

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Zephyr's POV~

I strode into the company, employees bowing and offering their greetings, but I paid them no mind and headed straight to my cabin with David trailing behind me.

Once inside, David briefed me on my today's schedule. It's going to be a busy one. 

Nicolas and Rebecca are out on the project now; their son, Cyrus, will be taking it forward. And today, we've got a meeting with the board to finalize the decisions we made yesterday at my place.


After two hours of presentations and discussions during the meeting, it felt rewarding knowing we were making strides in expanding the business. As the other members left, I shook hands with Cyrus and turned to exit the conference room.

 I made my way out towards the staff cabin area for a round but some murmurs made me pause in my tracks.

"Is everything alright, Mr. Reynolds?" David, who was a few steps behind me, inquired.

"Leave,"  he nodded before quickly before departing.

Stepping back, I found myself in front of the coffee area, where two male employees were chatting while preparing their drinks. I didn't intend to eavesdrop, but something about their discussion piqued my interest.

"Married just a month and already expecting?" the first man questioned.

"So what? We're in love," the second replied proudly, his smile unwavering.

"But it was an arranged marriage. Isn't it a bit sudden? Marriage, then a child in just a couple of weeks?" 

"Sure, it was arranged, but trust me, you'll understand on your own when you consummate. And as for timing, who's to say what's early or late? Age is just a number. All my wife and I believe in is love. This baby is a symbol of that," the second explained.

"Hmm, I see your point." 

"Bringing children into marriage strengthens the bond and brings happiness. Plus, there's a belief that making your wife pregnant reduces the chances of divorce. Many have advised me, and it's one of the reasons behind this too," the second added.

As I listened over the conversation I overheard, a particular phrase echoed in my mind: "Making your wife pregnant?"

I made my way to my office, sinking into my chair, deep in thought. I called David and he entered with a bow.

"Mr. Reynolds, you called for me?"

"Indeed. Head to the cafeteria. There are two men there conversing. Inform the finance office to dock 70% of their salaries. It seems they're here more for chatting and coffee than actual work."

He nodded and left.

As I leaned back, contemplating the conversation I'd overheard, I realized there was truth in the second man's words. Our situation mirrored theirs in many ways: an arranged marriage, and having a sexual bond.

The idea of having a child with Daphne and how it could strengthen our bond kept spinning in my head. The guy was onto something when he said making her pregnant could lower the chances of us splitting up in the future. If Daphne ever considers leaving, having a little one would make things way more complicated for her.

Thoughts of her consume me. 

Ah, how I ache to hold my baby in my arms again.

 I can't bear the thought of her being alone at home and her longing for my embrace. Groaning, I power on my laptop, trying to distract myself.

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