Chapter 38: Vineyard

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It had been 15 minutes since we left our camping spot. We were riding through the forest, the smooth bitumen road stretching ahead with trees lining both sides. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun hiding behind dark clouds. A chilly breeze made my eyes close for a moment, and I smiled, enjoying the cool air. Then I felt a water droplet on my cheek. I opened my eyes just as it began to drizzle.

Soon, the drizzle turned into heavy rain, making us quite wet. Zephyr pulled the reins and got off Richard, then helped me down too. We moved under a nearby tree for some cover. Zephyr ran his hand through his hair and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping my face and legs. 

"Fuck this rain, it always finds a way to mess things up," he muttered, loud enough for me to hear.

I lifted my hand, palm facing up, catching the raindrops. It made me feel excited, like a little kid.

"Butterfly, put your hand down. You'll get sick," he spoke sternly, pulling my hand down and wiping it again.

"Look at this,"  he showed me his handkerchief which was now dirty and wet. 

"Gross, it's so dirty," he complained, holding it by the edge with his thumb and index finger as if it might contaminate him. He was seriously a clean freak who loved cleanliness.

He took out a pocket bottle of hand sanitizer, rubbing it on his hands frequently and making me do the same. 

"Ugh, dust is the worst. Can't stand it," he groaned, and I quietly listened.

I really wanted to go into the rain instead of just standing here, but I knew if I did, he'd get mad, which I didn't want. 

"Zephyr," I called softly. He looked at me concerned and bent down to my face level.

"Sweetheart, do you need something? If you want, I can call the—" he started to say, but I held his hand, stopping him.

"Please don't be angry," I said and confusion etched across his face. Before he could reply, I pulled him into the rain, giggling as the water poured down on us. He tried to stop me and pull me back, but I held his hand tightly, refusing to move from my spot.

"It's fun," I said, smiling widely. He looked at me, still unsure. I released his hand, quickly removed my sandals, and jumped into a puddle of muddy water. The splash made me squeal in happiness.

I looked back at him, standing still. 

The rain drenched his hair, and his clothes clung to him. His face was not showing any emotion.

"Come on, Zephyr! Just for a bit," I urged, splashing water toward him playfully. He hesitated, then but I walked towards him and tried to remove his shoes. He sighed as I looked up. He was shaking his head slightly while a small smile crept onto his lips. I grinned back and pulled him again as he stepped into the puddle beside me.

"You're impossible, you know that?" he said, his voice warm with affection. But his eyes were bright, and he finally started to relax, letting the rain wash away his earlier frustration.


Zephyr's POV~

Rain is the absolute worst, especially here in this dense, muddy forest where everything is already dirty enough; I can't stand how it turns the ground into a disgusting mess, with mud splattering everywhere and getting all over my shoes and clothes, and even though it's just part of nature, I can't help but feel this overwhelming urge to clean every little speck of dirt off both of us, because the thought of anything unclean touching her drives me crazy; I'm so protective of her and I just want everything to be perfect and spotless, which is impossible with this relentless rain ruining everything.

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