Two | The Memories

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Three Months Earlier


"Hey, you! Feels like I haven't seen ya in forever now!" Greg greeted one morning, pulling me in for a comfort hug.

It wasn't really my intention to re-visit on such occasion, but I had golf-related business taking place in the country at the time, I took advantage of it.

"Yeh, had a few scheduled meetings down here for the weekend. Just been a bit busy with interviews, song writing and all that. Just came to check by, ya know?" I licked my lips.

"Ah, ya shouldn't have! That's great. Why don't you come in then? Finley just started takin' his first steps a few days ago—oh, hey, Hailee?" My brother paused at the moment.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. What the hell was wrong with me? What happened to Hailee not wanting anything involved with me? Why? Just why? There was so many unanswered questions the last few weeks about my life that I didn't even have time to answer myself.

Things did move odd and unexpectedly after what happened. The relationship between me and Noelle was fractured, but I've been in such a vulnerable state the last few months, the only way to cope with myself at the time was chasing an old lover. Yeah, it was such a foolish move, but it blocked off the entire rumor of me allegedly dating a "fan" and people's eyes maintained in my unfinished business with Hailee. It saved my reputation at the time.

There wasn't much growth in Hailee either. If anything, the entire thing felt more like a friendship than an actual relationship now, but it only had been that way because she felt pity towards me for what had happened between me and the babysitter. It gave Hailee a nice feeling to know she was partially right about Noelle's intentions towards me, so for now, this was enough. I hoped.

"Erm...yeh, she just wanted to join and see the boys too." I forced out, speaking out like if we had never ended the relationship.

Greg did gave me a 'what the hell did I miss' expression, but not wanting to interfere on whatever was happening in my life now, he just grew a smile and let us enter.

"Well, welcome in you two. Make yourselves at home." My brother walked in, "The boys are upstairs. I can call them down or if ya guys want to join them up there, we don't mind either,"

My head had been more distracted on the setting. It should've been normal to step foot somewhere I considered a safe-place, but instead, it felt like I was stepping foot into abandoned memories that I couldn't avoid thinking about. This is where it all started.

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