Twenty One | Maura-In-Law

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TWENTY ONE________

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The anxiety I felt being in an airport with Niall Horan was indescribable. It should've felt like an illusion traveling with him, but all my head wrapped around was pretending to act like we were normal people.

I was more worried with the fact that I was going to be stuck seven straight hours with Niall on a plane and will run out of things to say. Of course, that never happened, but I thought the worst.

"Well, that was a success." Niall breathed.

Instead of answering Niall's comment, my eyes focused on the surroundings; the greenery taking my attention, giving me the reminder that I once called this home for a while. It hadn't even been a few months and now it was just a place to visit.

It had also been a year since I was offered the job to babysit for The Horan's. Everything just seemed to hit me so rapidly while being back and it was crazy to think how fast time flew by. And how things ended up.

"I'm nervous." I confessed.

We stood on the doorsteps of Maura's home. Surprisingly, Niall admitted that he ended the contract on the place he was staying at in Ireland. He mentioned something about looking for new places, but in the meantime, we were staying with his mother.

I leaned against the brick wall of the home and took a small breath, exhausted from the long flight.

"W-What? Why?" Niall said in worry, adjusting his cap. "Ya met my mum before. It shouldn't be anything new?" He laughed.

I bit the inside of my lip, "Well, yeah...when I was working for you guys. Now it's more like, I don't know...more serious? I hope she doesn't hate me for what happened." I admitted.

I did have a fear confronting Niall's family again. Although they were understanding and the most generous people to ever meet, it had been a while. Who knew what they possibly spoke or thought about after the scandal with Niall. It was scary.

Niall laughed, shaking his head. "Elle, come on. I promise you, nobody hates you. If anything, they're gonna be real glad to see—"

Within his words, the brown wooden door unlocked and my posture adjusted immediately from the sound of it opening.

A familiar face glowed onto us and once coming in contact with her son, she hugged him tightly with a greeting.

"Oh, Ni." Maura smiled widely. "You really made it. I'm so glad ya did!"

I smiled, standing awkwardly beside Niall. The meet-up between him and his mother putting me in a dream state of love.

"Course' I did. Couldn't miss the special day without ya, mum." Niall kissed.

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