Three | Drinking Away

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Two Months Earlier


"Just one more. Come on, Elle!" Martin pressured.

Hazy vision and throat burning, I can feel myself gulp at the pressuring my friends were giving for the night; my body trying its best to balance in a posture as I shook my head.

"N-No. I drank too—." I hiccuped. "I-It's a little too much, Martin." I managed to say.

It was too much. I don't think I've ever imagined myself having an intolerable drinking tank, but here I was, drinking away all the pain I was avoiding. Becoming the person I didn't expect to be.

"Oh, come on, bestie!" Jacky said drunkly, her acrylics tugging on my arm. "The more drink, the less pain! Woohoo!" She shouted.

The Vodka bottle swung around her hand before she snapped it open and waited for me to open my mouth to become the center of attention again.

"Jacky, I-I think she's had enough. Don't persuade her. One of us has to at least be sober to go home." Jennifer warned from afar.

Jennifer's words were loud and clear, but I pretended like I wasn't hearing anything at that point. The alcohol inside my body had burned over me and any signs or warning that were given were taken as jokes.

The whole setting felt like an Euphoria episode; lights everywhere, underage drinking and everyone having a disaster in their life, but the only thing in common was the alcohol itself.

"Honestly, Jacky's is r-right!" I jumped, "More drinking, less pain! Yay! No more H-Horan—Hurrayyyyy." I curved as the burning sensation of alcohol tickled into my system that night.

Looking back to it, yes, I really hated the person I've started to become, but that night really humbled me for a while.

Yeah, the obvious of partying and drinking after a break-up is so stereotypical and I never really believed that line until I actually experienced it myself. Although I never technically had an official connection with Niall Horan, the departure was enough to burden and partially ruin me temporarily. I was becoming a person I hated.

"Ugh, this headache is killing me." I moaned out that next morning.

My head pounded and my stomach felt sour from the previous night. I didn't remember leaving that party, but even thinking back on the regretful events just caused more of a migraine. The hangovers I had were nothing compared to the first one.

"Yeah, because you almost blacked out, Elle, that's why." Jennifer said in annoyance from the kitchen. "You really need to start controlling your drinking if you are going to be doing it often."

As you can tell, Jennifer seemed like the most responsible of the group, but don't let that fool you. She, herself, probably had the worst blackouts of the year back in high school, but after so many, she's managed to become the babysitter.

"I'm not. Last night was my last take," I mumbled, rubbing my temples. "Finals are around the corner and I can't be going into my shifts hungover. Josh is starting to notice."

"Yeah, you said that two parties ago." Jennifer rolled her eyes. "And yet you end up mixing and crying over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

I sighed at her honesty.

"It's okay, Jen. You can say Niall. I'm over it now." I lied. "It's just, when the alcohol hits, it haunts my subconscious...also, how funny of you with the Harry Potter reference." I scoffed.

"You're obviously not over it if alcohol triggers it..." Jennifer mumbled. "Which I don't judge. I get it, it's normal to feel that way, and drinking can help, but it's doing the complete opposite for you. You're letting the entire school know Niall Horan broke your heart at 3AM."

Embarrassed by her reminder, I closed my eyes.

It was doing the opposite. If anything, like I said, it was making me become someone I wasn't. Yeah, it had only been a few months since the traumatic event, but realistically, it was something that was never going to go away. I really thought that getting drunk will take the hidden hurt, but it just balanced it.

I didn't have any communication involving Niall Horan after reuniting with his family to explain myself one month ago. After sending the package, I received a call from the Horan's and respectfully, I wanted to decline the meet-up knowing I had promised Niall zero contact with his personal life, including his family, but they insisted.

You know, for just a second, just for one milli-second, I had hope that when I showed up to the Horan's in Ireland one last time, Niall will be there, but when I entered the home, he was nowhere near, yet alone, he hadn't even known about the package. I taken that as a sign that I had to finally get over it and move on. Which, I partially did.

"Sorry...I just don't know how else to cope with this. I mean, this entire move helped, I love it here, but it takes time, I guess." I spoke to myself.

"It does. Plus, you have a job too. Trust me, it takes time, but it's worth it." Jennifer smiled. "If you need more distraction, hit the gym with me in the mornings! I have a membership at LA Fitness and I can always bring a spare guest free. It will help physically and mentally." She offered.

"The idea of any physical activity tires me already." I huffed.

"Yeah, but drinking is making you worst. I don't want you to blackout one day and your dad finds out. He's going to make us kick you out of here! Get your shit together." Jennifer laughed.

"It feels good though..."I admitted. "You forget about the real world for a moment."

"You've been hanging way too much with Jacky. How about you go to work before Josh find outs we've been partying again!" Jennifer changed the topic.

"Eh, I'm just scanning tickets. I think I have an opera today, maybe I can sleep backstage or something." I thought.

"Sounds boring. I heard we might be scheduled for Ariana Grande's concert next month though! Hopefully one of us gets that shift." Jennifer wondered.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking, why the hell was I working as a concert/event employee? How ironic was that after I had a bad experience with an artist that could possible be performing at the arena one day? Well, it's not as complicated as it seemed. Even if that was 1 in a 1000 possibilities, I will call off that day.

"You have access backstage already? I'm still stuck checking bags and standing in the fucking box did you get a higher position so fast? I've been working longer than you!" Jennifer complained.

"It's the luck of Ireland, babe." I joked. "Anyways, back to reality, I need to take some Ibuprofen and get ready for work. It'll be a long shift today."


cur the chapter short now, no more meeting harry styles part IM SORRY

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