Thirty Three | Niall's First Sign

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It was difficult to open my eyes that next morning. For a moment, I felt like a newborn struggling to adjust my eyesight from the amount of sunlight that entered the bedroom window.

"Shh, you'll wake her, Luna."

Heavy breathing echoed through the room and it wasn't hard to distinguish that the sound came from the golden retriever at the edge of the bed.

"Good afternoon there."

My eyes immediately opened at the sound of Niall's accent and instantly, my dreamy state came to reality, taking notice of my surroundings.

Niall laid beside me in bed, fully clothed and resting the side of his head against his hand on the pillow. Almost like if he was admiring my sleep.

"Hmm," I groaned, "Please, don't tell me you were watching me snore...this is embarrassing." I placed my own pillow over my head.

A chuckle escaped Niall.

The pillow above my head was taken away from me, forcing me to come in sight with the handsome man beside me.

"Eh, not really." Niall smiled, "I did come to check on ya every hour or so. Kinda' worried my wild sex last night put ya in a coma to something." He joked.

I didn't blame him.

After that intense make-out session on that entrance door, the sexual tension heated insanely and we both found ourselves going at it like two teenagers in the AM.

Every sexual encounter with Niall Horan became more wilder than the other, so the mornings afterwards did make me feel the after effects; almost like a hangover, but in a positive way.

"Did it really?" I gulped, "W-What time is it? Are you leaving me already?"

As I said, when I woke up, I did catch a glimpse of Niall fully clothed and from what I remember, we fell asleep practically naked.

Niall stared down at his Apple Watch on his wrist, "Eh, it's a little past noon...and no love, I won't leave ya. I just figured since ya slept, I'll offer to take Luna on a walk."

I rose a brow, finally waking up and taking a seat on the bed, "Huh? W-What, no it's okay. You aren't required to take her—"

"Hey, relax," Niall laughed, "I'm still a human too, ya know? Besides, it doesn't seem that cold this mornin'. That's unusual for Chicago mid-winter. Let me do my thing."

I blinked once at him before my eyes roamed to Luna at the end of the bed, her patience dying out as she waited for somebody to take her out.

"I'll go with you then—"

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