Ten | The Visit

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Dark, gloomy and thunderous rain took over Chicago that next morning. There was a broadcasted thunderstorm reported on the television inside the hotel room and all I thought about was how the hell I was going to process the day. Like if it wasn't bad enough, huh? But, I did.

My bookbag swung heavily over my shoulder, and I eyed myself inside the huge mirror, making sure there wasn't anything left inside the room anymore.

I debated whether it was a good idea to confront Elle one last time. The ugly weather was making me have second thoughts to see if it was even worth it anymore, but knowing that I practically excused myself to not take a flight with my team was complicated enough. I was already here.

11:43 AM

I took a cold breath when I stood in the familiar wet stairs that morning; my body almost soaking wet from the over-thinking whether Elle was actually here or not.

You see, I could've easily went back to her own place, the one with her friends, but if I had put myself in her shoes and came home with my friends telling me that Niall Horan was finding me, I will escape. I knew Elle well enough now. Well enough to know where to find her now. No more scavenger hunt.

Re-adjusting my bookbag, I fixed the damp hat from my head and walked over the steps, almost counting each one to waste time and distract me from the fact that what I was doing was insane now.

I debated whether to knock or not. Again, my second thoughts were telling me that it was too early. Who will want to be up at 11am on a Saturday? Let alone, open the door?

Not taking actions into my own hands, I was cut off my confrontation when the entrance door opened unexpectedly and I became face to face with a previous face.

He held a bookbag in his hands, almost like if he was rushing out the home; keys dangled from his hands and before he can shut the door closed, he took sight of me.

"Oh, fuck, bro—uh...Niall?"

I was lost at the moment, struggling to make up the right words to ask where his sister was, but instead he just talked.

"Is that really you? Shit, sorry man, there's so much going on right now, the least I can expect is to see you here." Mike chuckled, confused.

I swallowed, chuckling along and keeping my gaze on the floor.

"Erm, yeh, I swung by yesterday actually. Yer' dad answered." I said awkwardly. "I actually came looking for your sister, but uh—"

"Oh, Elle?" Mike questioned, "She doesn't live here no more, but—"

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