Twenty Six | Direction

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TWENTY SIX 2________

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"So, Elle," Louis rose a glass later that night.

The entire event felt like an interrogation. Now, I wasn't complaining. If anything, I was in cloud nine every single second on that table whilst being surrounded by childhood idols.

It was a bit difficult to digest the food coming into my system knowing that the shock and internal fan-girling was off the roof, but I managed after a while.

"Yes?" I cleared my throat, hoping the food processed well before speaking.

I kept my answers formal, well, I tried. Like mentioned previously, Louis had been quite open about his curiosity on my past and opinions within the band; Liam kind of just joined along with him and Harry was probably the less talkative of all, but when he did speak, it was very....proper?

"Niall here mentioned," He tilted his wine glass towards the handsome man next to me and winked, ",that you've been a great supporter for nearly a decade."

I pursed my lips, looking down as I tried to hide in my smile and looked over to Niall on the side, "Did you really?"

Niall grew a smile and chuckled; fingers playing in the rim of his glass before nodding.

"Of course. It's the biggest topic of tonight." He teased, elbowing me from under the table.

I giggled towards the exposing and managed to adjust my posture before turning back to Louis Tomlinson.

"Uh, y-yeah." I wondered, "Since, since...the first single, What Makes You Beautiful?"

"2011." Liam rose his brows.

"That was nearly ten years ago." Niall said to himself, "Jesus...time is crazy."

Yeah, it was. If you would've told me ten years ago that I was going to be surrounded by the hot British boyband in my computer screen, I would've fainted.

"Have we exceeded your expectations on the aging?" Harry mentioned in with a smirk.

I closed my eyes, letting out a faint laugh at the random questioning and looked back at Harry Styles.

"Way beyond my expectations. It's like I haven't blinked since 2011." I complimented. "It's surreal."

"Except Niall," Louis joked, "I'm sure it was a hard acceptance to see him go from blonde to pure brunette in split seconds. How did it feel?"

"Hilarious, Tommo." Niall rolled his eyes. "She's next to me, so that answers it." He said confidently.

I didn't know how much I laughed that night, but it was enough to almost make my stomach feel jittery from all the serotonin and chaos that was produced.

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