Fifteen 2 | We Became One *

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FIFTEEN 2______

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I never really pictured myself making out with Niall Horan on my 21st birthday—but I was. The entire thought didn't really process on me at the moment. Or any time that night. All my thoughts were focused more on the fact that I was sexually aroused inside that cottage home.

The process of actually making it to the double bed upstairs didn't happen right away. Instead, Niall had abruptly carried me from that picnic table onto the cottage, unpredictably placing me in between the sink.

I didn't know Niall's cues so when he did that, I let my lips divide from his and gave out a small laugh.

"Don't worry, darling. M'just a clean man." Niall hoarse a whisper.

Watching Niall wash his hands behind my back as his posture stood between my legs dazed me. I wasn't suppose to find this very attractive, but I did.

My own hands slowly came behind my back, attempting to wash my hands near the faucet that let down warm water.

Niall grew a smile before his hands wash between mine. "I'm enjoying this."

The laughing between us didn't last. Our movements seemed to move rapidly as our wet hands traveled within our bodies in that kitchen.

I wasn't going to lie, I did begin to feel the leftover faucet water wet through my dress near my bottom while sitting on that sink, but I've been so distracted by Niall's touch that it didn't even matter to me.

"I'm wet," I giggled embarrassingly between the intense session.

I can see Niall's posture adjust at my sentence and I immediately reddened, knowing that the choice of words that came out of me were miscommunicated.

"Oh—no, the dress it's getting wet, Niall." I held in my laugh, resting my hand against his chest as I looked down.

"Mh, oh. Shit, my bad. Thought ya were eager right then and there." Niall smirked.

I can feel Niall's damp hands slide my weight from the sink onto the counter, right across the coffee maker and toaster.


My eyes connected with his blue ones and sometimes, I had to remind myself that I've wanted this man in the past. And I didn't mean that in an uncomfortable way, but Niall's eyes had this sort of comfort and protectiveness that screamed out of them; they were gifted.

"Still wet," I breathed, finally speaking my truth.

Niall chuckled, understanding my motive and gave a nod, "Don't tempt me, Elle."

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