Twenty Two | Finally Public

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TWENTY TWO________

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"You have to be kidding me

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"You have to be kidding me." I stared stressfully at the article down my phone screen.

It was the middle of October when the news came out between my relationship with the one and only, Niall Horan. I wasn't going to lie, the public did take a while to finally suspect it, but it still caught me by surprise to see my entire government name splattered next to Niall's.

"The entertainers sparked romance rumors in September when photographs were published on the singer's 27th birthday party in Ireland." Jennifer read along. ",having his arm around Noelle Ellis in several."

I sighed, continuing the reading.

"In July, Ellis posted a picture of herself sitting on a picnic table to Instagram with a secretive England location. Later that week, Niall Horan posted a monthly photo dump, where 1/10 of the photographs revealed a similar background with a picnic table." I read. "Wow, they really connected the dots there. I didn't even think of that."

"What is this? A fucking scavenger hunt? That's insane." Jennifer scoffed. "Too bad they can't get on my level. I know about the hickeys and they don't!" She joked.

I laughed at my friend's supportive words and took a small breath.

There was a part inside of me that was a little happy about this. I dreamt about this moment several times in my life and seeing it become real was crazy. There was also a part of me that felt targeted. Becoming Niall's girlfriend and being public triggered the anxiety in me. I didn't know if I was ready for the next steps. It was scary because I was nothing compared to the media world.

"What's all the commotion?" Jacky spoke out.

I eyed as she entered the home with designer bags and a dunkin donuts coffee in hand; her hair dyed in a different color while her lash extensions curved out.

The Marks You Left (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now