Twenty Eight | Friendship-Break

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A small breath of relief escaped my mouth after hearing the lock click. One hand opening the entrance door widely while the other held the travel bags in place.

It was only two minutes inside that condo before I was attacked, well, attack is very strong word to use in a situation like this, but I did feel targeted now that I look back to it.

"Wow," A familiar voice said. "You're finally back."

Her figure stood sitting on a high chair near the counter; a Truly can around her hands as a phone was in place.

My hands let go off the bags and again, I took another breath and took in the jet-lag that was finally going to hit in a few hours.

"Well, of course I am. I have to be back." I chuckled, a bit confused on her surprise.

"Surprise you are. You know, after not answering any of our texts or calls on your honeymoon. Figured you weren't going to settle here anymore." Jacky spoke bluntly.

I understood Jacky's sarcasm. I've known her for many years and it was enough time to determine and read her emotions, but for some reason, now I couldn't even understand what she was aiming for.

"Ha, funny," I held in my laugh, "I'm not sure if I said this before, but you guys know the timezones are off in Europe...I must've forgotten to reply, I was just busy and—"

"Elle, Jen and I had to go out of our way to pay your part of the rent because you weren't cooperating or communicating." Jacky informed.

My eyes closed and I felt my face reddened from the reminder of payments being due by the end of the month; my head must've been distracted, it didn't cross my mind once.

"O-Oh...shit, I'm sorry, it's just I—"

"No, I get it," Jacky laughed to herself, playing with the alcoholic drink in hand, "You don't have a job, you're traveling with your celebrity're busy. I mean, you are set for life now." She commented.

I stood still for a moment.

It hadn't been the first time Jacky has exposed side comments towards my relationship with Niall Horan. There's been several occasions where her aura has been off and she openly attacks my life without noticing it.

"Whoa," I held my hand up, "That was a lot at once, Jacky. I've mentioned that I was going to several job interviews in the New Year. Financially, I'm completely fine, trust me...and celebrity boyfriend? It's Niall, you know that..."

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