Fourteen | Coffee Invite

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"Can't believe my little girl is turning twenty-one already." My mother kissed my cheek one morning. "Where has the time gone?"

I curled up at the coffee table chair, blushing at my mother's words as I attempted to eat the waffles in my plate.

" birthday isn't until Sunday. Don't make me feel old, yet." I murmured with a small laugh.

It was mid-July already. Three weeks since I arrived to Longford, Ireland. Surprisingly, they were going by real fast, but it must've been the exchange of texts I've had with Niall every other day. He hasn't texted in a week, but the last update of him was him finishing up the Spring Fest and going back home, which in this case, was Los Angeles. I think.

"I know, I know, but you are leaving me for a few days. I might as well celebrate with you beforehand! I called Ana and she agreed on a small gathering before your flight tonight. Is that okay?" My mom suggested.

I hadn't really seen my aunt, Ana, in a while, and I knew that next time I came across her, there was going to be so much gossip to tell. I couldn't even imagine what her reaction will be on my life after declining her babysitting offer.

"T-That sounds nice." I grew a smile.

Niall H.
Jet-lag hit you yet ?

I smiled down at the incoming message from Niall. The first text he's sent in a few days.

"Who got you all smiley on such an early hour?" My mother noticed my reaction in seconds.

Sometimes, I hated how expressive I was with my emotions. I didn't even have to say much and people will automatically tell how I felt just by the way I will look or react.

"Niall. Just checking up,"


Not yet. Don't think it will. I'm not like you, Horan. 😂

"Oh, that's great. Is he going with you to England?" My mother questioned out the blue.

My eyes almost bulge at her sudden question and I laughed, looking over to her.

"What? No. That'll be bizarre." I laughed nervously.

My mother picked up the half-eaten plate from my view and shrugged while she multitask.

"Hm, I don't know. I just thought you guys were like...something. Just figured since you said multiple times that he's been checking up on you." She teased.

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