Seventeen | Miscommunication

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"The birthday girl is finally back!" My friends roared. "...And pale!"

My eyes rolled, setting the carry-ons against the wooden floor and closed the door behind me.

"Not the birthday girl anymore. It's been a month." I reminded, taking off my shades and breathing out in relief.

It had been a little over three weeks since I last saw Niall. Sadly, when my getaway England trip ended and I traveled back to Ireland, Niall was back in London. It was a bummer, but communication was the key now and we made sure we kept our calls and texting consistent.

"Thanks for updating us the entire vacation by the way! Or FaceTiming us!" Jennifer spoke in sarcasm. "Or answering our birthday messages days later."

My birthday did feel like a blur now that I was back in Chicago. Spending the entire day with Niall Horan really crossed out my attention of ever looking at my phone and answering birthday messages. All I focused on that day was just him. It was almost embarrassing.

"I was in the middle of nowhere. Connection was bad." I lied.

"Uh huh...anyways, since you are back and we enter school next week, the back to school parties are on this weekend. Figured we can celebrate your 21st with it." Jacky informed form the counter.

I stared blankly at my friend for a moment.

You see, I would've been completely down to party again and celebrate my birthday in Chicago like I wanted to, but things began to shift differently now. I've gotten accustomed having this easy, no-drinking, off social media life when I was in Ireland that coming back to endless parties, hangovers and going out felt exhausting. Plus, college.

"Um, I-I don't think I want to drink again. Maybe, we can celebrate on a rooftop bar in the city or—"

"Oh, come on!" Jacky whined, "We planned this day since we were in high school! We will manage your drinking this time. Let's have fun before school starts!"

I can see Jacky slide off the high chair and walked towards me like a mother, cupping my cheeks and giving me an awe look from her tall figure.

"Stop being so boring...look how pale Ireland left you. Don't let it suck off the fun too—what's that on your neck?" Jacky squinted.

My brows furrowed at her point, but once I realized her worry, I stepped away from her grip and leaned against the door behind me with no escape.

"W-What? It's nothing, I just got a mosquito bite—"

"Is that hickey?" Jacky gasped, getting closer to me.

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