Thirty Six | Niall's Makeup Birthday *

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THIRTY SIX________

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This chapter contains sexual content.


"I promise you, I will be back soon. I know you're tired of my soon, but I'm serious this time." Niall whispered to me.

I gulped, believing the words and smiled, "Of course."

"I'm gonna miss ya lots. I will keep in touch more. The golf event ends mid-august. I'll do my best—"

"It's okay, Niall. Don't worry. I'm always here." I kissed his lips. "Now get off before your flight goes without you."

Niall smiled, "I love ya,"

"Love you too," I kissed.

"Ms. Ellis,"

My thoughts came back to reality when my name was announced and immediately my face heated up mid-class.

Now, choosing in-person classes was probably the worst decision ever, but if I wanted my social anxiety to decrease, I needed to start somewhere.

"Sorry? W-What was the question?" I swallowed, looking at the projector board.

The Psychology teacher eyed me, noticing my random thoughts and rose a brow, "May you repeat the second stage of the sleeping cycle to your classmates?"

I breathed for a moment, thinking to myself before growing a smile.

"The second stage should be called, NREM sleep. It usually happens before entering REM sleep, sir."

He eyed me, surprised at my remembrance, "Very good, Ellis. Nice to know you can multitask in daydreaming and paying attention. Psychology can be your future."

I gave a smile.

It was September 13.

Did I even have to say it? You know it. I know it. Everybody knows today, so why was I pretending like it was just a regular school day in my second year of college?

It wasn't. I was just a pretty good actor at hiding it. Hiding the fact that it was Niall's birthday, but also, our one year anniversary. Crazy how time flies when you're in-love, right?

I was tempted to call and text Niall immediately, but I needed to stop already. I came to a conclusion that if he cared, he'll call.

"There's the college girl!" A familiar voice called out.

"There's the cosmetologist!" I waved at her from afar.

I spotted my best friend, Louise holding onto Luna at the entrance of the lobby.

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