Five | Deo's Truth

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One Month Earlier


It had been a really depressive foggy day in London when an unexpected visitor approached the ringer of my home mid-day while I cooked.

Cooking new meals had become a habit and distraction of mine ever since I took a small break off the media and decline any social presence for the last few weeks. I had been tired of the non-answerable questions involving One Direction, new music, collaborations and personal life. It was stressing me out. A lot.

"That's weird. Wasn't expecting anybody," I spoke under my breath.

When I said I was taking a break with the social world, I did mean it. This also meant excluding myself from my own peers and family, which can explain why I bought a home in London; I was really distant the past month it was concerning for some.

Wiping my oily hands from the small towel hanging from the oven, I lowered down the heat of the stove and approached over to the entrance.

When I digitally unlocked the heavy door and opened it, a familiar face stood in front of me.


It did catch me by surprise to see his presence. It was actually really nice to confront him knowing that I've been isolated and been wanting to catch up with close friends like him soon.

Keeping his hands in his pockets, Deo smiled, "Hey mate. Sorry for not callin' up in advance, just figured you'll be here alone."

I chuckled at his sentence, welcoming him inside the place and closing the door behind us.

"Course' I'll be alone. Nice to have ya visit around." I greeted. "Feels like I haven't seen ya in forever, lad!"

Deo walked halfway, admiring the new space and roaming his eyes towards the kitchen.

"Yer' mum told me ya got yourself a new place here. Is that cooking that yer' doing?" He pointed in surprise.

I reddened a little knowing it was caught in surprise to see me cook other than anything else for a person like me.

"Erm, y-yeah." I scratched the back of my head, "Got tired of watching tellie all the time, so thought I'll dedicate myself to some normal hobbies, besides golf."

We both found ourselves sitting across from each other on the cloud sofa; Deo putting his hands together as he admired the sky view from the top.

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