Thirty Five | The Downfall

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I sat numbly on the stool of the kitchen counter that afternoon; eyes beginning to feel swollen while my eyesight stayed blurry for what seemed forever.

I wasn't alone. Thankfully, I wasn't. Without Louise encouragement and reminder every five minutes on how I shoudn't be sad on my birthday and that it will be okay, it did help a little.

Keyword: a little

It hurt. A lot. Yeah, it must've been nothing. Arguments in relationships were completely normal, but it was rare between Niall and I. And when it did happen, it was bad.

"Can I say just something?" Louise finally let out, almost desperate to state her opinion the last hour.

I sniffed, staying silent.

Louise stood silent, almost like if she already had an entire speech toward Niall, worst when the last few months he's shown less contact on her eyes.

"Listen Elle, I only known like 5% of you and Niall's relationship. Of course, I have zero right to state an opinion, but I just personally think that what he did right now was in the wrong." Louise spoke up.

"And no, I am not saying that because I'm your friend, or picking sides. I heard everything, yeah, I was nosy, but I heard him out too and understood where he was coming from, but...refusing to take you with him? Not inviting you to his event on YOUR birthday? Come on, Niall." Louise closed her eyes.

I stood quiet, pursing my lips.

I didn't know why I felt so vulnerable towards Niall. Yeah, I could've been in the wrong too for pushing an argument, but I've become attached. Normal or not, it was painful. Any inconvenience began to affect me in every way.

"You're such a positive person. I never seen you cry. This is so weird." Louise laughed. "Over a man too? Please!"

Finally, I let out a small laugh, "I-I'm fine..."

"I know you are. It's your fucking birthday! Let's go out. Celebrate! It's not fair he's out there smiling and hosting and you're like this, ON YOUR BIRTHDAY." Louise reminded, holding my hand to get ready.

"I-I can't." I snatched my hand away, "He said he's coming back tonight."

"Okay, then we'll be back before midnight. A win, win. If he loves you, he'll show up. Trust me. There's still plenty of hours to go." Louise encouraged.

I didn't want to agree with her. Personally, I would prefer to stay here all day until Niall entered that entrance door again, but I had to be realistic. I needed to be real for once.

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