Thirty | Target Drama

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"A KitchenAid stand mixer?!" I gasped, "Niall, are you fucking insane?"

Niall's figure stood leaning against the counter that next morning; his arms crossed while he just stared at me unsurprised as I took the time to explore the new place.

"Insane for you? Maybe," Niall flirted, "But yes, I kinda' figured you'll need a welcoming present for yer' new place, so why not a baking supply? You do love baking, correct?"

I felt speechless. Although the thought that this was really nothing in Niall's perspective since he was, again, rich, it still caught me off guard how he went out of his own way for all this.

"Y-Yeah, I do but—"

"But nothing." Niall cut me off, lowering his arms and walking towards me, "I expect a batch of cupcakes every visit. KitchenAid seems to be a women's weakness, so take good use of it."

I rolled my eyes, "Funny. I will. Thank you, Niall."

Niall's lips came in contact with my forehead before taking a small breath.

"Great. Well, I think we should take advantage of my presence here before I leave, yeh?" He said. "I only got the afternoon."

Niall did mention that his visit here with Tara was short due to the fact that he wasn't really suppose to be out of Los Angeles at all, so it did make me appreciate the effort he put just for me.

"I know...sorry," I sighed.

"Don't be. Like I said, things will get easier throughout time. I promise, Elle." Niall smiled.

I did find myself moving out from my father's house that same day. Did it feel weird? Yeah, it did, but I wasn't complaining. I was grateful for the commitment my family made to give me the life they promised, so I appreciated every milestone.

"Are you going to want to take this box, Noe?" My father asked, putting down another box onto the floor.

It didn't take seconds before I felt my own face reddened at the familiar brown box below my feet and turned over to my dad.

"Dad..." I said in embarrassment, hoping Niall wasn't paying attention.

My dad chuckled at my reaction before turning over to my boyfriend next to me.

"Oh, right. Niall, close your eyes." He joked.

I rolled my eyes at the humor and bent down at the box under me.

The Marks You Left (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now