Six | Mother Talk

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[Read prologue to refresh your memory for this chapter]

Present Day


I sighed as my shaky fingers finally detached from the piano keys and came in contact with the song journal.

"So Long," I repeated to myself.

I played the new song over and over again on that piano until my fingers were tired. There had been a point where the sun had finally set and all that was left was me, the grand piano and darkness.

It had been a month since I had any contact with anybody. A month since Deo came over and never saw him again. The few weeks of isolation turned into a month as I tried dealing with the stress that took over me.

The media did finally settle down with the topic of Noelle Ellis and I. It should've felt like a relief to finally let her life be normal again and not have me, well, specifically the media, drag her in the internet again.

But sometimes, just sometimes, I had a bit of hope that I will come across a fan-update account where they will give an update of any clues "Noelle Ellis" might still have of me on social media, but it all died down too. I had no idea how she was doing anymore.

I didn't touch my phone for days sometimes. I just wanted to avoid everything and I knew that it must've been dramatic to act this way, but I've never felt like this when it came to guilt and regret. It kept me up at night.

Yeah, I had gone through plenty of relationships in the past and definitely felt way worst than this, it was common due to post-breakup, but whatever this was, it was six months in and it was still bothering me. It felt too long already and I took it as a sign.

And yeah, as a sign, I meant to finally grow some balls and put my ego down. I wanted to own up for my mistakes and at least get some type of closure so I can finally sleep peacefully at night again.

I could've easily had the courage to search her on Instagram for the first time after that drunken night and reach out, but it felt so cowardly and immature to do that, let alone risky. So, the only option I really had was to confront her.

When I stood in the doorsteps on the fifth floor, last door on the left, I debated whether it was a good idea to do this. Maybe, I let my guard down and got in a weak state, but I had to remind myself that this was partially my fault too.

Was I nervous? Yeah, I really was. I never felt so sweaty in my life and knowing that when that door opens I might possibly be face-to-face with Elle one more time, I wouldn't know what to even do.

My expectations had been wrong that day though, because when apartment 14 door opened, I was confronted with a familiar face, but it wasn't Elle.

Her green eyes almost bulge at my view and I didn't blame her. I mean, what can you even say after seeing the man that didn't forgive your daughter at your doorsteps? I was speechless. She was speechless.

"Niall." She spoke without emotion, almost confused on my presence.

I kept my hands inside my pockets, avoiding to stutter at my reasonings and took a small breath, finally being truthful.

"Hello, Rose," I gulped. "M'sorry for the unwanted show up, I just didn't know how else to—"

"Oh, no, it's alright. I apologize for my reaction, I just never expected to see you again." She finally grew a smile.

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