Nineteen | Cupcake War

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My head rested against my left hand while I tried my hardest to concentrate on that coffee table. Fingers trebling and brain foggy from the distraction; I wanted to burst.

I eyed Jacky as she increased the volume from the Alexa device. The entire condo echoing rap music that I can guarantee the neighbors could've heard by now.

Maybe, it was the side comment that she made a few weeks back about the flowers Niall gave me, but after that day, the friendship between Jacky and I began to feel distant. Or maybe, it was just me being an over-thinker, but there was moments were she just became a burden to me, honestly.

Finally, setting the highlighter down, I cleared my throat. "Alexa, stop!"

The speaker paused the music, making my friend stop her house chores and look over to me from the unexpected actions.

"What was that for?!" Jacky scoffed.

"Don't you think it's...a little loud? The volume is at most 100. We can get in trouble if we get complaints." I warned her in worry.

Jacky rolled her eyes, resting the mop against the counter. "The only one complaining here is you, Elle."

"Well, yeah. I'm trying to study?" I pointed towards the thick college books in hand. "And I have an online zoom class soon too. I will kindly ask you to lower the volume, please?"

"Right...I forgot you switched online." Jacky groaned. "Can't you go to your room? Or Jennifer's. She's not here and her walls are sound-proof."

I gulped at the unnecessary arguments being produced. "I always study in the table, Jacky. We all know that..."

"Someone needs to clean the house—fine, whatever. Be a college student from home. I'm gonna go get my lashes done soon, anyways. You clean the rest." Jacky pushed, laying the mop there.

I didn't have time to argue. I knew it was normal to sometimes have certain problems with roommates, especially best friends, but I didn't think it will happen so soon. It felt stressful enough, but there was reasoning behind them.

After my online class ended that afternoon, I, sadly, found myself finishing up the mopping that Jacky had paused on due to the music getting turned off.

The entire week was stressful. It hadn't been a month in online class for this semester and things began to feel difficult. Maybe, it was the lack of education I took a break from after I moved, but everything began to feel overwhelming.

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