Twenty One | And A Half

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September 13


"Do you think he's going to like it?" I said in concern, looking down.

My mother stared down, admiring the product and smiled.

It was the morning of Niall's birthday. As much as I wanted to wake up to a beautiful man on his special day, my time on buying him a gift was ticking. My mother gladly agreed on taking me early and drive me down a few locations after our emotional meet-up.

"I'm sure he will. If that's what Niall likes, I don't see why he will hesitate. Why wouldn't he like it?"

I pursed my lips, trying my hardest to believe my mom and gave a nod. "Hm, okay then."

"I can't believe this." My mother finally confessed.

"Believe what?" I laughed nervously, trying to read her.

Her green eyes stared in awe, putting her arms around me in care.

"You and Niall. Together. I mean, he brought you down here for his birthday! Let alone, to visit me too! He's so sweet." My mom squealed.

I wasn't use to people reacting to our relationship. Yeah, realistically, it wasn't official, but we were together. It was obvious. I just didn't really seem to know how to react when others will point it out.

"I know." I squealed back. "I'm just shitting myself over today....well, tonight."

"What's tonight? Are they throwing him a party?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Apparently, his close friends also flew down to celebrate and they are throwing him a nice event near town."

It was shocking to know that what I thought was just going to be another regular birthday gathering like last year's turned into the complete opposite. It felt more intimidating and I started overthinking what I was going to wear or even say to people that meant the most to Niall Horan.

"Oh, wow! Look at you. Do you have an outfit? You must be living the dream!" My mom pushed me in a friendly manner. "I'm happy for you."

I smiled widely at my mother's words, "I-I think so, but thanks. I'm happy too."

I almost tripped down the front doorsteps of Maura's home later that evening. The small balloons flowing around my head while hands gripped the miniature chocolate cake as I rang the doorbell.

In seconds, I was confronted with a familiar face. The blue in his sleepy eyes glowing as he eyed down the items in my hands and grew a small smile.

The Marks You Left (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now