Eleven | Niall's Mark

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Bright, gleaming light distracted my view that afternoon; The light had been insanely bright that I felt my head throb, realizing that I've become sensitive to it. Why did I suddenly have photophobia?

You know, for a moment, when I woke up inside that recovery room, I tried to convince myself that all the events that involved Niall Horan were just a dream in my throbbing head from a coma. That the car crash was my waking point—but I realized it was just the drugs affecting my thoughts that hour.

My senses actually came back by noon, when the doctor informed me about my body state and gave me the reminder of the consequences "underage drunk driving" can cause.

"Vitals state that your body was fueled with alcohol when the accident took place. Were you aware about your drinking?" The doctor asked.

I stared at the tall man, scanning down at the records in hands, almost like if he already knew what had happened inside my body more than me.

"Y-Yes. I thought I was sober after throwing up beforehand, but...I see I was not." I said in shame, staring at my bandaged left arm.

It felt surprising to know that the only risk I took from the crash was a broken arm and a concussion, but other than that, the airbags from the Honda were really protective. Still, it didn't have less effect; the migraines I was getting were insane and my body felt drained.

"Well, testing indicated that you had an empty stomach prior from the drinking, which, in most cases, it increases the chances of your blood stream absorbing the alcohol faster." He informed. "That must've caused your body to empty, thus, the vomiting and fever."

Oh, so that was what the sweating and heat was causing. It wasn't my body reacting to seeing Niall Horan.

"You might feel a few migraines floating for a few weeks due to the concussion. The morphine might wear off from your system soon, so it will be normal to feel uncomfortable from the pain and sleep long." The doctor stated.

"Is that why I'm hating the light right now?" I murmured, avoiding to look at any brightness.

The doctor chuckled and gave a nod.

"Correct. It should go away in a few days. I recommend you do not drink anymore, Miss Ellis. You are 20 and DUI's are not something to play with, especially still being considered underage here."

I could've rolled my eyes at the adult talk, but I should have known better than to take immature actions. Yeah, I was becoming an official adult this year, but I had to remind myself that America's laws were strict.

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