Thirty One | My New Friend, Louise

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"Are you seeing this, Niall?" Jack projected onto the screen in front of us

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"Are you seeing this, Niall?" Jack projected onto the screen in front of us.

I sat against that chair, oblivious on my view and shrugged.

"To be completely honest with you, I have no idea what I'm looking at." I laughed.

Jack rested his hands onto his mouth and crossed his arms, clearly indicating that he was overwhelmed over my shit. Which, of course, I didn't blame him for.

It had been a few weeks since I last saw Elle. My trip to Los Angeles was calm and there was a part in me that didn't want to come back anymore, but I needed to remind myself that I shouldn't always be on cloud 9.

"This," Jack pointed with a control towards the projector, "This is the data of your career and overall money management throughout the years."

Blankly, I stared at the screen.

"It's decreasing." Jack pointed.

"Yeh, I figured that out." I mumbled. "Reckon, the fame for me hasn't exactly died down, so I dunno why there's a decrease? I have millions of followers and loads of attention on social media—"

"Yeah, but you have to remind yourself that you are solo now. The separation of One Direction split the audience, so it was expected to see a decrease, but not this much lately." Jack informed.

I stood quiet, lost with my own words trying to be in denial on the fact that my career was taking a slow path due to my actions.

"As we enter 2021, the prediction will be that it will go down until you release or plan something with the rest of the PR team."

I didn't actually realize that I was taking a break from the media world. I've come to a point in my life where I've become distracted and stopped the performances. Music will always be there, but the process of actually recording and releasing it was exhausting.

"You use to do instagram lives to your audience, you will go on Twitter and reply to fans. You were the only member to do that often and it reached a good portion of audience, but then you suddenly stopped completely." Jack reminded.

"I got into a relationship, Jack. Obviously, I'm not going to use my only break time to do that anymore. I have to use that time for Elle. It's priorities now." I said in honesty.

"Plus, don't you think I deserve a break? Like said, it is 2021. Let me take my hiatus and come back as a surprise or something— "

"Niall, you've been taking your break this entire time." Jack frowned. "That time you use to travel to Chicago or all that, you could've used it to record a few songs in the studio. Capital Records owns you, remember that. They expect music, pronto!" He pointed.

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