Twenty Seven | A Taste Of You *

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First times with Niall Horan never disappointed. Like mentioned before, he was six years older than I, so it was obvious his experience level was higher; which, I didn't blame, he was a famous and attractive man.

Niall's fingers grasped within my inner thighs, tickling me from the pressure; my body beginning to lean back towards the actions as we desperately made-out on that counter.

"Niall," I pulled from the kiss, heavy breath in motion. "I-I'm gonna fall back." I warned, feeling my hands rest on the counter.

"I know." Niall whispered, "Fall back then. The counter is clean, love. I just want a taste of you, right here."

His words played with me in the moment. I hadn't been sure what he was indirecting, but when I felt my body lean back slowly on the flat surface, Niall's hands rested on the sides, staring at me.

There was this sort of comfort and safeness that projected out of Niall Horan's eyes that no matter what he spoke, I knew that I was in safe hands. He probably knew himself the power his blue eyes held because he will take great advantage of it.

"Whoa," I breathed unexpectedly on the next moves.

It was happening so fast, seeing Niall kneel a little from my view; hands still placed on the side of the counter while he signaled going low on me.

My reaction must've caused Niall concern and read me in the moment. "O-Oh? Is everything alright?"

There was no need to feel embarrassed for having first times, but for some reason, admitting that there were still several sexual acts I haven't experienced made me feel left out. I didn't know what to expect. I was afraid I'll do a bad job.

"I-I," I was lost in my words for a second, "I never had anyone go down on me before. I'm insecure about it." I admitted, shyly.

I wanted to cover my face and just scream internally.

"Insecure about what?" Niall furrowed his brows, "Elle, it's alright. You're safe—"

"What if I taste—"

Niall's hands came in contact with my fave again, forcing me to keep my level on him.

"Elle, look at me."

"I'm looking," I whispered.

His eyes lowered, giving a small smile. "There's nothing to be insecure about when you're with me. Remember? I wrote an entire song about it, thanks to you. Do I need to reiterate the lyrics, again?"

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