Twenty Three | The Enemy

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"I'm convinced November through March is the worst gap as a college student and weather for Chicago." I complained entering the home.

It was little over November now. The holidays were near and that also included the worst possible weather for Chicago; cold and windy. That was something I definitely didn't look forward too while coming back.

"Come on, Noe. It's the best time! The holidays, breaks and let's not forget the beautiful snow." My father said in positivity, greeting me with a hug. "How are you? Glad to see you visit on a weekday."

As I slid the thick jacket off me, I huffed. "I can do better...just put my two week notice at Target." I mumbled out.

It was embarrassing to think that I wasn't really lasting on the working places I applied to. It's not that I didn't want to work, obviously, I wanted a job and money, but things were difficult managing a perfect schedule as a student.

"What? I thought you just started?" My father said in concern.

I sighed, walking around the family living room and plopping myself against the sofa, resting my head on my hand.

"Yeah, but they wanted to switch me to afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I have class those days. I don't know...the times didn't seem to work with my schedule offer, so I didn't have a choice." I informed.

I can sense my dad take a seat beside me and look forward on the television across from us.

"Hm, well, what's the rush? You know me and your mother have always put our all in our children. We've prepared for situations like these. You know you have us, right?" He elbowed.

I did appreciate the help my parents always provided, even separated. I was grateful to have the privilege to always have them for support, but becoming an adult and still relying on them for financial needs wasn't my move.

"Yeah, which I'm thankful for, but I'm twenty-one, dad. It's a little embarrassing on my end to be like this. I need to grow up." I sighed.

My father places his hands against his knees and leaned back.

"Well, you are pursuing in a major in college. Surely, in a few years you'll get the degree and get an actual job that you want." My dad said.

"I don't even know what I'm pursuing anymore. I'm just taking my generals for now..." I rubbed my temples.

"Ever thought about acting?" He asked.

My brows furrowed, "N-No, but I've heard that from someone else too. What's the motive behind me and acting?" I laughed.

"Hm, well, you acted pretty well at pretending not to be Niall Horan's fan in Thanksgiving!" My dad joked out.

I gasped at the rare joking my father provided and I didn't know whether to laugh along or get offended.

"Oh, come one, Noe! That was a good one!" My father tapped me. "I just had to take the opportunity. Plus, remember you'll watch High School Musical and wanted to be the girl so badly? You will act them out pretty well for a seven year old."

"Eh, I don't know. I'm majoring in Early Childhood. Still have a mindset to become a teacher, but I don't know anymore. I'll just wait for the semester to end." I sighed.

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