Seven | The Day Of

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To my old readers: yes, i've changed the plot, but not completely. It was for the best haha. enjoy x

The Day Of


I sat there blankly inside the hotel room that afternoon. My hands felt cold and sweaty from my thoughts and I didn't know how long I sat at the edge of that mattress looking down at the bear, but I did know that I was already here.

Brad, Agent
Sending a car to your hotel at 6PM. Expect to see you backstage before the show. Have your musicians join you.

I sighed, looking down at the recent message on my iPhone before responding.

Not feeling too well with the jetlag . Might be a few mins behind , but John and the rest will get on the car . I will take a cab ... I'll be there , don't worry boss . 👍

Was it risky to act this way? No, not really. I was only going to perform for not even an hour, so the timings for this concert were not a priority for me. Besides, the concert was a getaway for my actual reasoning at this state.

Brad, Agent
Ok. Be careful. Traffic in this city seems hectic. Need you here by 6. You perform at 8 sharp.

Before locking the device, I checked the time and took a small breath.

3:05 PM

I only had two and a half hours to confront Elle; the timing did seem tight and knowing that I had an entire performance afterwards was stressful, but I will regret it if I let it go.

From what I remembered, the ride from the city to the destination was a drive, so I took advantage of every minute that passed by that afternoon.

"You can stop here, mate." I spoke out, looking at my surroundings, trying to figure out the neighborhood.

Did I know the address? No, not really, but my memory wasn't bad either. I could've easily looked back at the messages I exchanged with Elle back in November and find the address, but I had a new phone.

"We are still blocks away," My Uber driver said in confusion.

"Yeh, I messed up. Here is fine, bud. Thanks! I'll tip ya, don't worry." I grew a smile before exiting out the expensive car.

I made sure I tipped the Uber driver pretty well for the confusion before finally looking at the gray stairs of the familiar home.

The cold, spring air made me shiver as I climbed up the steps, but maybe I was just trying to excuse the action that I was actually shivering because I was nervous from the confrontation.

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