Thirty Four | Elle's Birthday Bummer

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Disclaimer to re-readers:
The next few chapters are new to the plot. I figured it might make more sense to add these in and change the timeline, thanks for understanding. Here's new content. Enjoy.



"What's wrong, honey?" I said in worry eyes, bending down towards the figure below me.

The teary eyed child wiped her face as she mumbled a few words to me before pointing out.

"That boy with the blue shirt told me my hair looks like dog poo." She cried.

My brows rose, looking over at the playground full of children and I was lost for words in the moment, knowing I couldn't do much.

"He told you what?! What color was his shirt again? I'll handle him—"

"Louise, that is a child." I closed my eyes, eyeing my friend standing up from the park bench behind us while holding Luna.

As expected, my friendship grew with Louise since I moved into the complex. The random spot-ins become hangouts, and it even came to a point where we saw each other daily.

Along with Luna. Within these months, I gained enough money to take her to training classes and a few weeks ago she earned the badge of becoming an Emotional Support Animal, giving me an excuse to take her eveywhere.

After finishing another college semester in May, my babysitting motive continued, and as the weather got warmer, Louise will join me in a few adventures with the kids I babysat, hence, bringing us back to here.

"Hey, listen," I spoke softly to the green-eyed girl below me, "Your hair does not look like dog poop. Your hair is beautiful, Sammie. That boy is just...jealous."

"No, he's a fucking asshole." Louise mumbled.

"Louise, kids." I reminded.

"Oh, right, that kid in the blue shirt is just jealous...and ugly." Louise corrected.

"Don't cry," I wiped the tears off the girl, "Here, how about we leave this park and go get ice cream and afterwards we'll go back home and paint our nails?!"

Sammie wiped her own tears and grew a smile again, "Yes! Yes, babysitter Elle, yes!"

I grew a smile, my own heart soothing seeing the child's happiness and stood up, holding her hand.

"Let's go then."

"Any updates on Wolf of Wall Street?" Louise peaked out later that day.

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