Thirty Seven | Last Chapter

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THIRTY SEVEN - Last Chapter________

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THIRTY SEVEN - Last Chapter

This chapter contains mature content.


"Shit," I cursed under my breath when I entered the revolving door of the lobby that night.

I felt droplets of water fall of my damp hairs from the unexpected rainstorm that flew by mid-walk with Luna.

"Caught in the rain?"

My body jumped at the noise and I cursed again, knowing it was late at night and thundering yards away.

"Shit," I jumped, "Louise! You scared me. W-What are you doing so late—"

"Girl, you know rainy nights are the best nights to read in this area. Don't act surprise." Louise chewed on her chips.

"It's midnight." I rose a brow.

"Night owl. If I'm not out drinking, I am reading like an intelligent scholar." Louise said sarcasm, "I wanna be like you one day."

"Very funny," I laughed at my best friend.

"Why such a late walk?" Louise questioned as I walked towards the elevators.

I paused in the moment, "Niall's here. Lost track of time."

Louise blue eyes rose at the mention of Niall before she began teasing, "Ah, no cyber birthday sex then. Just regular—"

"Please, shut up." I closed my eyes.

"Or, shower." Louise winked, "I'm sure a man loves to see his women come home wet as hell."

"Goodnight Louise." I rolled my eyes, pressing the elevator button.

I shivered inside that elevator knowing that the AC was on in the building to avoid the humidity from the rainy weather.

I took a deep breath when I reached the steps of my apartment, my cold hands coming in contact with the handle before twisting it open.

When I entered, I felt like I've just reached the gates of heaven; the entire setting felt soothing and for a moment, the coldness I felt from my moist body was gone for a few seconds.

Niall sat there shirtless on the sofa, lights dimmed as he hummed a few words and played with a guitar in hand; his eyes concentrated on the beat.

I felt horrible to interrupt such a perfect moment, but Luna's wet paws clicking the floor made his head shoot up at the view.

Light eyes looked over to me before eyebrows grew and a laugh escaped him.

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