Thirty Two | Valentine's Day

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THIRTY TWO________

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I stared blankly at the dog sitting next to me on the cloud couch later that night. Both of our gazes staring at each other and I began to question if Luna was a real human in her past life.

"I'm quite jealous of ya, actually." I petted her head. "Gettin' to see yer' mom more than I ever will. Must be nice, eh?" I joked.

The dog just stared blankly back, her mouth wide open as her tongue stood at view.

"You grew lots too. Look at ya. Should've called you Clifford." I laughed.

I leaned against the comfortable couch, trying my best not to wrinkle my suit as I waited for Elle.

It was a little past seven. Now, it was obvious I'll get ready first than Elle. I was a man so the process wasn't hard, but waiting was the hard part.

I did have patience, plenty of it, but I knew Elle. Either she was debating on what to wear or she was avoiding me, and most of the time, it was the second one.

"I'll be back. Stay still, Luna." I ordered to the dog, letting her rest flatly on the white sofa as I stood up.

It only took a few steps until Elle must've heard me and spoke up after an hour.

"No. Don't enter. Stay there, Horan!" She warned from afar.

I stopped in my footsteps for a moment and smirked, "Is that a threat?"


"S'not like yer' naked." I rolled my eyes, "Nothing I've seen before." I joked.

"Funny." Elle mumbled.

"No rush, love." I encouraged, "Whatever yer' wearing, it'll be lovely. No judgement."

"Easy for you to say. You're the celebrity." Elle pointed. "I just—"

"Oh, come on," I fought, finally walking onto the bedroom and confronting the women that stood in front of me.

There she stood. A long, tight, pink slip dress covered on her body. The tightness of the material fitting perfectly against her curves while it made her breast look nice. Elle was edging me already.

Elle's eyes turned to me, her makeup plastered nicely against her glowing skin as she noticed my attire.

"I think I'm overdressed—"

"Fuck," I cursed out the blue, "You look...amazing." I breathed in honesty.

Although she wore makeup, I can still see the shade of pink revealing from Elle's cheeks at my compliment as she looked down.

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