Twenty Nine | New Home

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TWENTY NINE_________

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I eyed the spoon playing with the soaked cereal one morning. My face resting against my hand while I fought the urge to not stress over the fact that it was a new year already.

I didn't mean to stress. I should've been appreciative over the fact that I am entering another year of knowing Niall Horan and now, dating him; it was a surreal thought, but somehow, the negative ones fought over it.

"Hey, kiddo. Up so early?"

My eyes flickered over to my father as he entered the kitchen at 7am that morning.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I have another family today." I informed.

"Oh, that sounds fun. How many kids?" My dad questioned.

"Um, just two. Have to be there by 8, so I can drop one off to school and care for the other at home." I smiled.

As you can tell, I was able to find a job, again. Ironically, it was a babysitting job, but it hadn't been an easy route to get booked in American like in Ireland. There wasn't consisted families and the work days depended on who needed help. More like an emergency babysitter type.

"Same family?"

I sighed, "No. The other family left me off the hook for someone higher, I guess? Since I'm not working within a company and haven't received my certificate with Early Childhood, it's a lot harder to qualify for the job."

It sucked. I tried my best to pretend like my life was beginning to fix up, but everything felt so odd.

Maybe, everything just felt more heavier because I was with Niall now. It was difficult to manage a good life when I was comparing mine with others. The pressure of being with someone that was already set and organized with their life and I wasn't; it was stressing me.

"You'll be alright, Noe. Just show them your best. You mentioned getting positive reviews from each family, so until you get the Associates, you should be fine." My dad encouraged.

I wasn't going to lie, living back with my dad and brother did feel a bit more comfortable, compared to my friends, but there was always this slight sadness I felt of leaving the city.

I didn't get much communication from Jacky after that scandal. Jennifer did try to reach out once in a while, but I just felt weird. I did promise to go back and get a few more stuff that were left behind, but time was out of my hands with school, jobs and free-time.

"Thanks, dad." I smiled, "Well, I should get going. My Uber gets here in a few. I'll see you later."

"What's your name?" The four year old babbled at me later that day.

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