Twenty Six | One

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TWENTY SIX 1________

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TWENTY SIX 1________


I could've guaranteed that yesterday night must have been the most perfect night. I mean, watching my favorite movie series with my favorite person in London? How much better can it get, right?

It wasn't until that very same night that my thoughts erupted my sleep on the AM. My mind was finally processing that in no time I was going to confront Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne all at once. Let alone, Niall Horan in presence.

"You alright there?" Niall asked that very morning during breakfast.

Admitting on having no sleep sounded insane. I must've at least slept for three hours, but I could just blame the jetlag. I didn't want to worry Niall over my overflowing fangirl thoughts.

I sat against his tall counter, looking down at the avocado toast below me as I haven't touched it at all.

"Uh, y-yeah, sorry...I think the jetlag is hitting me now." I lied, clearing my throat in between.

I avoided looking at him. I knew that coming in contact with Niall was going to weaken me and admit the truth naturally, but it was a lot to confess.

"You haven't touched yer' toast." Niall let out a smirk, "Did you get any sleep last night, Elle?"

"Of course I did." I said slowly, "I mean, your huge bed was probably the comfiest of all. Why wouldn't I get the proper sleep?"

There was an awful, awkward moment of silence between us in that counter; only the sound of my finger fidgeting under the counter echoed on me.

"Erm, ya know...I known you for nearly a year now, Elle..." Niall chuckled, "I think I kinda' figure when you're hiding something."

I didn't know whether to laugh or scoff at his notice.

"Funny of you to say that. You didn't know what I was hiding one year ago." I joked, still avoiding to look up.

Niall snorted unexpectedly at my comeback and I can see his hand rest above the counter at view, giving me a perfect gaze under me.

"Ha...funny, darling..." Niall scoffed. "Well, I learned my lesson and I know yer' cues. Something is telling me that you didn't sleep."

"Bingo." I said lazily, feeling caught.

I finally let my guard down and rested my shoulders, keeping my hands under the counter as I took a small sigh.

"I-I'm really nervous for tonight." I admitted. "I mean...not as nervous as I would be meeting you for the first time, but I am nervous." I breathed.

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