Fifteen | Happy Birthday, Elle

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FIFTEEN 1_______

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The sweat between my fingers almost made the green stems slide through them that next morning. I knew it was completely normal to feel this way, but it was her birthday. I didn't want to mess anything up from the start to finish, so keeping myself together was one of them.

It felt insane agreeing to drive down to Elle, but there was no regrets over the decision. The trip to Ireland was mainly for her too, despite my family, but I wanted to see her and having the invitation to visit on her special day meant a lot.

We came to an agreement that I was driving down this morning instead of last night. It gave both of us time to prepare for the meet-up and it also gave me the opportunity to go down and buy her fresh birthday flowers from the small shops. Which, I realized that it didn't matter because the cottage home had an entire garden full of them.

When the wooden door opened, I kept the flowers on my face just to hide the redness that I felt at the moment.

I shouldn't have felt so nervous around Elle, but everything now seemed more serious between us. It wasn't really Niall of me, but I liked her and when I liked a girl, things became much more difficult for me, no matter how famous I was.

"Hey, you made it," Elle smiled.

Lowering the flowers, I finally took a glance of Elle after months of not seeing her.

Elle stood there, hand against the door. A pink, flowered-pattern dress hugging perfectly against her body as it flowed down. Her face glowing from the light makeup she put on and her hair laid loose around her shoulders.

I smiled, "Course' I did. Happy Birthday, Elle," I extended the flowers.

Elle let out a small laugh at the sight, "Niall, you didn't have to."

"Yeh, I know I didn't. The garden out there beat me to it, I see. Ya got plenty of them back there. Quite jealous, actually." I frowned playfully, pointing at the garden.

Elle kept laughing, taking the flowers and flushing. "But they're not meaningful like yours. Thank you."

I stared at her, pretending like if I wasn't attracted to every aspect of her body right now.

"Come here," I extended my arms, pulling her onto a hug. "Thanks for giving me access to yer' secret location."

"Oh, please." Elle said between the hug. "Thanks for coming. It means a lot."

Sometimes, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was once a fan. Like, I gotten so use to knowing her that when that reminder comes in, it's so hard to believe. I didn't know whether to be excited that she was still one or scared that she was no longer one.

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