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Hope is stretching in the Town Square, watching the pit of Malivore in case another monster came out

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Hope is stretching in the Town Square, watching the pit of Malivore in case another monster came out. But something else catches her attention as a male voice calls out to her.

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson." She got up upon hearing her full name and saw that it was Eli. Hope doesn't remember telling him her full name.

"Eli... what..." she didn't get a chance to ask as Eli sped towards her and brought her into a huge hug. And without hesitation, she hugged him back

"I'm so glad you're back." He whispered. The two broke apart and looked into each other eyes.

But wanted to know how was it that he remembers her. "You remember me? You have your memories back? How?"

"I think..." before Eli can fully answer that, Lizzie arrived too and like Eli, she called Hope by saying her full name.

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson." And when she saw how Eli's hands were wrapped around her waste, she too called him by his full name. "Eli Matteo Lockwood."

"What?" Both Hope and Eli said unison.

"It's official. Aside from Lockwood here, I remember everything. When I woke up from that spell Josie blasted the two of us with, you popped into my messed-up brain like an acid flashback."

Eli rolled his eyes and sighed and looked back at Hope. "What she means to say is that it's likely because Josie blasted us with dark magic and every memory of you came back to us."

"How? You two are literally the only people - on the planet who knows that I exist." Hope barely understands how this is possible. She was about to hug Lizzie when Eli hears something bubbling near by and gets ready for a fight.

He groans. "Great. What now?"

Lizzie did the same. "Not a good time."

Out of the pit is... a women? Who looks more human than a monster and is wearing a strange outfit. The trio can't tell who it is. Even Hope asked. "Who the hell are you?"

The women chuckled and replied. "I'm the keeper and this is going to be a lot easier then I though." Eli would have said something snarky if he didn't see the women hold up her wrist. Which has a wired looking bracelet on it. She started to disappear and the trio looked around the see where she went. But they don't see her in their sights.

"Ok, so that was..."

"Rather anti-climatic." Lizzie finished Eli's sentence before they and Hope started walking in the direction of the school.

"We have to get to the school to protect Landon." Hope told the two.

"So we're not gonna talk about what The Keeper is? Or what kind of game she's..." Eli didn't get a chance to finish because a car ran the three of them over... and weirdly enough... they're right back where they started.

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