Chapter One

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Hoseok opened the door of jungkook room and step inside, his sweet strawberry scent making the entire room smell like him. Hoseok walked to the window and removed the curtain, allowing sunlight to enter the room and fall some on jungkook sleeping face. Jungkook scrunch his nose in discomfort as soon as the sunlight hit his face. Hoseok chuckled and walked to Jungkook.

He bent down a little and removed the Strand hairs from jungkook face, he run his finger on jungkook tangled hair, jungkook humming in contain. Hoseok's omega purring as they watch their pup sleeping peacefully. Hoseok omega whinned as he got ready to call jungkook. His omega wanted their pup to sleep for some more time. Their puped looked so peaceful and innocent in their sleep.

Hoseok shut down his omega and gently ruffled jungkook hair.

"kook woke up, it’s your first day at your new school " hoseok say's, his voice sweet and a little above whispers. Jungkook groaned at hoseok's words but slowly opened his eyes to look at hoseok's honey brown one.

"Do i really have to go?" jungkook ask, a visible pout on his lips, his doe eyes looking directly into hoseok's one. Hoseok's heart swallow at the sight. Jungkook own vanilla scent mingling with hoseok's strawberry one, making the room smell heavenly.

"yes pup, you have to. " hoseok say's with a smile on his face, jungkook deepened his pout. " come on, it will be fun beside you earned to study at such a respected school. You were so excited just last night what happened now hmm?" hoseok ask, sitting beside jungkook on the bed.

Jungkook pulled himself into a sitting position as he stare at his hyung " what if no one likes me hyung? you know how rich the kids are who study there " jungkook say's and looked down. Hoseok's heart squeeze in his chest at jungkook words.

"kook" hoseok took jungkook hands on his own, interlocking their finger together " so what if they all are rich hmm? You worked hard to study on that school, you got 75% schooler ship and you dont know how proud i am of you pup. You are going there to study not to see who is rich and who isn’t. You are my handsome strong little alpha aren’t you?" hoseok ask and jungkook smiled brightly at that, he really loves when hoseok call him his little alpha.

"i am eomma i am your little alpha " jungkook say's excitedly and hoseok's heart filled with pure love and adoration, his omega purring and wiggling their tails in happiness. They love when their pup call them eomma. Even tho hoseok didn’t gave birth to Jungkook, hoseok's omega accepted jungkook as their pup as soon as they first saw it when jungkook was just a week old pup and hoseok was seven years old innocent boy.

Now hoseok being in his early twenty and jungkook being in his teenage year nothing changed between them. Hoseok presented as a omega when he was nine and jungkook presented as a alpha when he turned ten. Even after their presentation nothing changed between them. Hoseok's omega accepted jungkook alpha as their pup and jungkook alpha accepted hoseok's omega as their mother. It was really a rare scenario, no one has seen such a strong bond as hoseok and jungkook.

"now my little alpha get ready for your first day at your dream high school " hoseok say's and pulled out the blanket from jungkook, jungkook nodded his head and got up. Hoseok looked as jungkook went inside the washroom to get ready for the day.

Hoseok and Jungkook doesn’t share the same blood, they are not related by blood rather they are related by heart. Both hoseok and jungkook are orphan, hoseok has been living in the Orphanage since he was ten month old, he stayed there until he was 18 and jungkook was 11. Hoseok first saw jungkook at the Orphanage.

A week old Jungkook was abandoned outside of the Orphanage, there were no information about him or his name. When jungkook came into the orphanage, he couldn’t stop crying, all the omegas and beta's at the Orphanage tried their everything to calm little jungkook and hand feed him but jungkook refused to stop crying.

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