Chapter seven

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"eomma will you please stop freaking out? it’s seven in the morning of a Saturday. Saturday eomma" hoseok stopped pacing around the living room and looked at his pup, who was half-asleep, sitting on the couch with blanket wrapped around him. Jungkook looked at him with half-open eyes and hoseok can clearly see the exhaustion on his pup face, he immediately felt guilty for waking jungkook up with his continuously rumble around their home. But hoseok can't help it, he is nervous, excited and kinda afraid.

Hoseok gave his pup a apologistic smile "sorry pup i-" hoseok sighed, his arms flopped on his side, jungkook looked at hoseok with a amuse look, he shake his head and patted the empty spot beside him to seat. Hoseok obligated and walked where jungkook was sitting, he sat beside jungkook and jungkook looked at him with a raised brow, encouraging hoseok to speak further. So hoseok did just that.

"-i am just nervous, excited, afraid? " hoseok faced his pup, jungkook seems to woken up by now, tho he still had his blanket wrapped around him, "-koo i have never been in a date " hoseok say's as a matter of fact.

"i know you didn’t " jungkook confirmed and hoseok huffed,

"what if i fuck everything pup?" hoseok say's

'don’t curse infront of our pup'

hoseok's omega complained, Hoseok blinked and looked at jungkook, who seems to not minding hoseok's cursing.

"you wont eomma,, have faith in yourself " jungkook say's and hoseok felt his omega going back to relax, they were still heavy with sleep.

"i don’t know what to do pup, yoongi hyung -he is really nice, handsome, hot, kind, not to mention very rich " hoseok say's and jungkook pressed his lips together to stop laughing. Hoseok is being overly dramatic.

"what are you afraid of exactly ? " jungkook ask thoughtfully, hoseok sinked into his seat, his arms crossed over his chest.

"i am afraid he wont like me after knowing me fully" hoseok confessed honestly, jungkook made a noice of disapproval.

"that's impossible,, you and i both know this. If It's anything he will like you even more after knowing you" jungkook say's and hoseok still didn’t looked convinced

"but what if he doesn’t koo?" hoseok say's and jungkook swear he wants to smack some self-confidence into his eomma's head.

"then it's his lose not yours -" jungkook say's, he faced hoseok and stretch one of his arms for hoseok to hold, hoseok straighten up and took jungkook hands on his own, tho he didn’t said anything since he knew his pup wasn’t done talking yet. "-hyung you are a very handsome, nice and beautiful person both inside and out. You have been taking care of me even before you learned to take care of yourself, you always think about others before you, you are way too kind for this cruel world. Eomma you are the strongest person i know, you deserve all the happiness in this world and eomma if yoongi hyung fails to see this then it’s his loss not yours,, i mean sure he is handsome hot and stuff but you are not less than him. All you Have to do is just have faith in yourself and be yourself around yoongi hyung, It's as simple as that "

Jungkook stopped talking and hoseok was lost of words, he didn’t knew what to say or do. since when did his pup grow up? Since when did his little jungkook started to talk like an mature adult?

"since when did you grow up so much pup?" hoseok ask, his voice wet with the overwhelming emotions he was feeling, the pride in his chest for his pup was growing each passing day.

Jungkook laughed at hoseok's words and hoseok smiled fondly at his son. Hoseok couldn’t help but open his arms for his son to crawl into, hoseok needs to hug his pup, he needs to feel the comfortable vanilla scent of his pup. He needs to scent his pup. Jungkook with a smile crawl into hoseok's embrace and hoseok hugged him tightly, gently scenting his son, jungkook hummed in content.

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