Chapter two

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"I am so disappointed in you two" Seokjin say's as the two alpha infront of him looked down with a pout on their lips.

The pack has returned to their apartment just few minutes ago and seokjin has made taehyung and jimin stand in the hallway with their head down. Their behaviour wasn’t acceptable at all, especially taehyung's. Seokjin knows jimin usually doesn’t get involve in any kind of fight despite being an alpha. Jimin was always caring, kind of delicate ( but he can be manic when the time comes)  his love for everyone is just too big. Jimin walks with his heart on his hand. Which is why everyone in the pack thought jimin will be an omega but he presented as an alpha, tho that doesn’t mean any of them see jimin in a different way because of it.

Meanwhile taehyung was always looking for trouble, he was kind sure but he was mischievous too. Growing up he gave the pack more trouble than anyone else. He used to get in fight with kids now and then. Seokjin always had hard time controlling the alpha because of his behvaiour towards others who is not their pack.

"we are sorry jin hyung, it wont happen again " jimin say's, his eyes teary as he looked at the omega. He hates when anyone is upset with him. Seokjin eyes soften at the look of jimin, but he looked at taehyung with stern eyes when he didn’t heard the other alpha saying anything.

Yoongi looked lost in his thought, he and namjoon were sitting on the couch watching the scene unfold. Well namjoon was watching while yoongi was busy thinking about a certain strawberry scent omega and his fifteen years old pup.

"kim taehyung do you have anything to say?" seokjin ask, his arms folding above his chest, yoongi came out of his trance hearing the pack omegas hard voice.

"i am sorry hyung " taehyung say's as he looked at seokjin with a pout, seokjin sighed, he can't fight against the youngest pout. He is too weak to do that.

"it’s okay,, just make sure this doesn’t happen ever again " seokjin say's looking defeated. No matter how much he tries, he can't stay mad at these two alpha. Jimin and taehyung looked at eachother and smiled brightly,,, they walked near seokjin and embrace him into bone crushing hug.

"thank you hyung, you are the best. We love you" both alpha's say's as they kissed both of seokjin cheeks, making the omega giggle, namjoon heart faltter seeing his mate so happy. Yoongi also had a smile on his face as he looked at the most important people in his life.

"i love you too,, now go and change. I will call you once dinner is ready " seokjin say's, making shooing noice at the alpha's. They kissed seokjin cheek one last time before returning to their room.

Seokjin eyes soften, his heart aching as he looked at the two alpha giggling and chasing eachother to their room. Namjoon got up from his seat and went near his mate. He scent the omega sensing the longing in his scent. Yoongi's own heart ache for the omega.

"joon?" seokjin called softly, his eyes still on the alpha's who was now struggling to open a box of god knows what food.

"yes love?" namjoon answer, his heart hurting badly especially because he knows the next question seokjin is going to ask.

"how does it feel like to be call eomma? It must be feel really nice right joon?" seokjin asked, his teary eyes looking at namjoon ones, namjoon embrace the omega into a tight hug, trying his best to control his own emotions. Namjoon and yoongi shared a look, yoongi's eyes were full of sympathy for his friends.

oh how he wish he could wipe down their pain.

"it must be love,, it must be " namjoon whispers, few tears slide from his eyes but he was fast to wipe them down,, yoongi bite his own lips to keep his tears in bey.

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