Chapter twenty nine

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Yoongi feels like his heart is on his throat, his alpha already screaming at him to do something, to say something to give an explanation to their omega. To tell their omega it wasn’t anything it looked like. Yoongi would never cheat on hoseok, he hadn’t looked at any omega since the day his eyes land on the omega—his omega. Yoongi want to do something–say something but he feel himself frozen in his feet. He can't move a single muscle in his body even if he desperately wanted to.

Yoongi's mind is running a lot faster than he could catch, his alpha going wild, his heart hammering inside his ribcage so loud. No voice reached his ear, the only sound he could feel were blood running on his eardrums. Yoongi's eyes were fixed on hoseok tho. Even in the state of panic attack his eyes not leaving hoseok's one. He want to see hoseok—he wants to feel hoseok. He wants to hug him, kiss him. Yoongi wants to kneeled down on the ground and ask for hoseok to give him a chance. Yoongi thinks he also forget to breath for quite some minutes now.

Yoongi thought hoseok will have tear in his eyes, the smile from his face will be completely gone, his sweet sweet scent will turn into sour, his jaw will be clutch and he will look at yoongi in disgust.

But none of this happens. None of this things happened. What really happen is hoseok with confidence walked to the omega boy, who was still standing there, yoongi didn’t bother to look at the boy to see his facial expression. Yoongi's eyes were on hoseok—they always were on hoseok.

Hoseok stand right infront of the omega, he gave the omega a tight smile. This smile wasn’t real, yoongi knows hoseok doesn’t smile like that. Hoseok smiles like the world is shinning, whenever he smile hoseok's eyes sparkle, his cheeks gets high, his entire aura changed into something warm and comforting. But this smile of hoseok's is intimidating, hoseok was looking almost threatening.

Hoseok took the tissue from the boy's hands–most likely he snatched them from the boy's hand. The boy was looking at hoseok with wide shock eyes, he didn’t expect hoseok to do something like this. Hoseok then took a step back and eyed the boy up and down. Hoseok then looked at yoongi, his eyes immediately soften, he smiled at yoongi and shifted his attention back to the boy.

"you can leave now. I can take care of my alpha" hoseok's words ring loud and clear in yoongi's ear. He feels a little better to find hoseok voice didn’t hold any anger in them tho he still can't fully relax. What if hoseok is masking his emotions?

"whatever you thought would happen forget it. it wont—" hoseok smiled sweetly at the omega, his eyes darken a little bit "–if i was in your place i would have left and never utter a word you know" hoseok say's, the boy audibly swallow and nods his head.

Yoongi didn’t understand a single word hoseok has said. Did hoseok just threatened the boy? What was hoseok talking about?

Yoongi doesn’t give himself time to think about all of this. He watched as the boy looked at yoongi and hoseok one last time before leaving the room while looking down. Hoseok's shoulder visibly relaxed once the boy was gone. Hoseok closed his eyes took few moment to probably gather his thought.

He then looked at yoongi and walked near him, he stand face to face with yoongi. Hoseok didn’t looked angry in particular but yoongi doesn’t want to get his hope high just yet.

Hoseok without any words put his hand on yoongi's chest, he slowly started to unbutton yoongi's shirt, yoongi stare at him dumbfoundly tho he was letting hoseok do whatever he wanted. Yoongi will always let hoseok do whatever he wants. Hoseok soon unbutton yoongi's shirt and yoongi hissed when hoseok run the wet tissue on the spot the coffee fall.

"sorry " hoseok's voice was soft and yoongi's heart hurt, he looked down at the spot hoseok was cleaning, his skin turn red thankfully it didn’t looked like the skin was burned.

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